Chapter Twelve: The Champion Returns

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Also, I'm sorry that Splinter is like...non-existent. I'm gonna bring him into this chapter, for like half a second, and then he'll probably disappear for a while. Then come back and so on. Anyways...
Enjoy! Xoxo

Bit of a longer chapter <3

TW: Suggestive content? NSFW-🌶️Also...things might get a little heated? Nothing too bad.🌶️

"Okay, Y/n. The watch has a tracker in it, and if you need us to come and get you, press this button right here." Donnie explains, pointing to a small blue button. "Got it?"

"Got it." You echo, adjusting the watch on your wrist and nodding. Leo steps in front of you, his eyes glistening in worry. "What?" You ask softly, his hands grazing your arms softly.

"Don't...don't do anything stupid. Please. I can't lose you." His eyes shone as he begged for you to come back. "And we meet at back at the lair."

"I promise I'll be smart." You say softly, hugging the turtle. After a small hug you pull away, giving him a deep kiss.

"Everyone remember the plan?" Raph asks after you pull away from your boyfriend.

"Y/n is going to go see Big Mama and set up the fight." Donnie says, twirling his bo staff in his hands. "And don't forget to make sure she lets you leave. Convince her you're on her side."

You nod. "And you guys are going to the portal for a sample. You can't let anyone know you're here, or she'll know we're double crossing her."

"Okay. Let's do this." Raph says, nodding firmly.

You felt your throwing knives on either of your hips, and your regular knife tucked just above your butt, sideways so it doesn't stab you.

After everyone exchanges final glances, you split up, the boys heading for the basement entrance, leaving you to the main doors of the hotel.

You pull your hood over your head, looking down so you were unrecognizable. You inhale sharply, making your way into the hotel.

As you watched your feet closely, careful not run into anyone, you manage to make it to the elevator unnoticed. Just as you were about to hit the red button labeled 5, another set of inhuman feet hurry into the elevator.

"Just made it! Thanks for waiting." Says a gruff voice.

"No problem." You reply quietly, changing your voice ever so slightly. "What floor?"

"Five. Headed to Big Mama's office." The voice says.

You nod, pressing the button. Great, you think to yourself. "Me too."

"Right on." He says.

The first few seconds were silent before the voice spoke up once more, something you'd wished he'd never done. "So what's your name? What's with the hood?"

"U-uhm my name is uhm...Tiana." You stammer, the fear of being discovered before you could reach Big Mama making your heart pound. "I've got a uhm...a thing with my face. I prefer nobody to see it."

"I'm Kai." He says. "And I don't judge, but you do you, Tiana."

"Thanks." You murmur, the elevator coming to a stop, opening its doors. You see the doors to Big Mama's office, walking side by side with Kai. You couldn't have walked any faster, and when the doors to the office opened, you heard her voice.

"Ah Kai. I've been waiting. How's..." Her eyes land on you, the hooded figure standing beside her requested employee. "Who have you brought?"

"I didn't bring her. Tiana came all on her own."

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