Chapter Eleven: Revenge is for Losers

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Okay, what do we think? My powers out, school is cancelled, and it snowed. I usually go skiing twice a weekend but I'm think I'm gonna go skiing about...5 days in a row? 8-4 everyday! I'm on my way right now! The mountains gonna get 30-57 INCHES of snow. Double Black Diamonds are calling my name.

Enjoy! Xoxo


"Yes! Yes!"


"Eat that, no crumbs!" Mikey exclaims happily, tossing his video game controller up in the air and catching it again.

Donnie grumbles, setting down his own controller. "Whatever. I used to win all the time."

"Yeah, when Shelldon was helping you cheat." Mikey giggles, turning the game off.

"Mikey, could you go get Y/n?" Donnie asks thoughtlessly. "I really need to give her a physical check up."

"You know she barely leaves Leo's room." Mikey mutters, crossing his arms. "She won't let you."

"I know." Donnie sighs. "But I seriously need to take a look. I'm getting worried."

"Why?" Mikey's shoulder's slouch. "She seems like she's fine."

"She was forced to fight in the Battle Nexus for almost a month, and she was forced to fight to the death." Donnie says as if it were obvious. "She's bound to have some injuries."

"Maybe they were already taken care of!"

"I'm not going to argue with you, Mikey." Donnie mutters. "Please bring her to my lab."



The youngest turtle sighs, pursing his lips and heading to Leo's room to get you. It had been almost a week since you'd gotten home and, as mentioned by Mikey, you'd barely left Leo's room. It wasn't that you were scared or something, you just didn't want to do anything. All that seemed appealing to you was to lay in bed.

Leo knew this, and decided he wouldn't mind laying in bed with you all day too. Of course, he had to remind you to eat and take care of yourself, but he didn't mind that either.

Mikey knocks on Leo's door gently. There was a moment of silence before Leo pokes his head out of the door, the edge gently pressing against his neck. "Yeah?"

"Donnie wants Y/n in his lab." Mikey says.

The turtle in blue sighs, pursing his lips in a tight line. "She's asleep. And you know she won't see him."

"I know." Mumbles the younger turtle. "Donnie sent me here anyway."

"Look, Michael. I agree, Y/n should get a little bit of a check up. But she..." Leo sighs again. "She won't. I've already asked her a ton of times."

"Just tell her Donnie's asking for her." Mikey says softly, turning on his heel to tell Donnie the news.

Leo gently pushes the door closed, climbing back into bed, holding your sleeping figure. He does his best not to wake you up, but he knew he was unsuccessful when you let out a low hum. "Leo?"

"Hey. Go back to sleep." He whispers, stroking your hair. "Sorry I woke you up."

You mumble into his chest, snuggling against him. "What were you doing?"

"Mikey came looking for you." He replies quietly, staring down at you. You could feel his eyes on you, but you kept your eyes closed from sleepiness.

"Mmm why?"

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