Chapter Twenty Four: Hypothetically

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OKAY IM TRYING TO CATCH UP ALL THE CHAPTERS!!!! Working hard on all my books, I'll try my best! Thank you for your patience! Enjoy!


"Mikey! No way!" Leo hisses, slamming his fingers into the buttons of the controller. "You're cheating!"

"Or maybe I'm just that awesome!" Mikey cheers in response, his eyes glued to the tv.

The two boys sat in front of the tv, their legs crossed on the floor. You were behind them, sunk into the couch with a blank expression, staring at the tv thoughtlessly.

You had been awake for a few days now, and your body had returned to normal for the most part, besides the occasionally lack of an attention span. Now that you could mostly function on your own, you were left with your own thoughts. Not a pleasant experience.

The guilt for killing all those people had found you again, and you chalked it up to the experience you had with your mother. It finally clicked in your mind that she knew what you did. You couldn't help but think she would be ashamed of what her little girl had become.

A killer.

And these thoughts triggered new ones. Such as how you had begun to believe you didn't deserve college or a softball team. You didn't deserve a normal life with a normal future. Not in the way you had hoped.

You couldn't wrap your head around how you still had anyone in your life anymore. Why hadn't Raph and his brothers kicked you out yet? Why did April still text you? Why was Casey so nice to you?

There was no doubt in your mind that you were a burden. An inconvenience.

Every time you looked in the mirror, your gaze immediately locked onto your own eyes. They were now a dull grey, void of any color or any life. It was a constant reminder of what you were and what did, which was a heavy weight that eventually became physically exhausting.

Everything was too much.

"Y/n, you want a turn?" Asks Mikey, looking at you with his radiating grin.

You shake your head, forcing a weak smile. "I'm good just watching."

Mikey nods, turning his attention back to his game, waiting for Leo to ready his character. Leo was turned looking at you, studying you intently.

For whatever reason, your chest felt heavy and you felt on edge. Like something bad was going to happen at any moment.

"You alright baby?" Leo asks softly, tilting his head.

You nod, forcing yourself to exhale with control, only for the breath to come out jagged and uneven.


Not now. Not here. Not yet.


"I'm fine." You grit, looking down at your shaking hands. Your chest was unbearably tight, and it was getting hard to breathe.

"Y/n, I'm right here." Leo says, quickly recognizing what you were struggling with. "Mikey." He mutters harshly, ordering him to be quiet with his stern gaze.

"What's going on?" The young turtle asks with wide eyes.

Leo ignores him, joining you on the couch, taking your hands and placing them in his own. He rubs gentle circles on your palms, firmly holding eye contact.

"I-I can't breathe." You whisper, your lungs feeling as though they were stuffed into a little box. You gasp for air. "Not n-now. N-No."

"Y/n, keep your eyes on me." Leo demands, watching your eyes dart all around the room in a panic.

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