Chapter Thirteen: Massage

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I'm back! Hi!
I spent forever thinking about how I wanted to write here it is! <3
Enjoy, and don't forget to comment your thoughts, I love seeing it.

NSFW- Y/n and Leo can't keep their hands off each other! (No intercourse, I don't really know how to write that. But if anyone would be willing to be patient with me, I can learn.

Your fists repeatedly found the punching bag in front of you, it's heavy form swaying with the force. You hadn't been able to punch very well until after your training for the Battle Nexus. Now? Your form was impeccable.

"Easy there. What did the punching bag ever do to you?" The familiar teasing voice of your boyfriend interrupting your concentration. "You alright?"

You stop hitting the bag, panting as you wipe the sweat from your brow. "Yeah. Just training."

"Training for what?" Leo asks with an eyebrow raised.

You shrug, steadying the punching bag in front of you. "Battle Nexus."

"But you're not fighting, so why would you train?" Leo asks assertively, becoming suspicious. "Y/n?"

"Ya never know what could happen, Lee." You mutter, rolling your shoulders in an attempt to give them a massage. "Got to be prepared."

Leo knew he would do anything to keep you from having to fight in that arena. He was hesitant to even let you go on the mission. "I guess." The turtle mumbles.

"Hey." You say softly, approaching him and wrapping your arms around his neck. "Everything's gonna turn out turn fine. Promise."

"What's bothering you, love?"

Leo sighs, his grip on your waist tightening. "I can't shake this...feeling."

"What do you mean?" You inquire, tilting your head.

" I'm gonna lose you. Like something going to go wrong."

You suddenly realize that Leo had been experiencing anxiety over the entire situation. Sighing, you gentle begin to massage his shoulders. "I'm not going anywhere, Leo."

The way you were massaging his flesh with your small palms sent shivers down the turtles spine. It completely distracted him. "Mmmph." He sighs, pressing himself against you further. "T-thank you."

You could see that his quiet 'thank you' was just an attempt to stay on topic. You could see the massage was getting to him.

"What's wrong?" You tease, slowing down your pace.

Leo lets out a low growl. "That feels so good."

You giggle, suddenly feeling a three fingered hand slip under your shirt and grip your breast through your bra. "L-Leo. The others."

You're silenced by a passionate and aggressive kiss, Leo's tongue completely dominating your mouth. You moan into the kiss, your thoughts becoming frenzied as you only became aware of the pure bliss you felt.

When you'd broke apart, Leo silenced your worries. "They're out on patrol. We have the lair to ourselves."

You grin. "I could give you a full massage, in your room, if you'd like." You say softly. "You seem tense."

Leo doesn't hesitate to grab your hand, excitedly leading you to his bedroom. You sit on his bed, spreading your legs to allow him to place his shoulders between them, plopped onto the floor.

"A-ah." He whines, feeling your palms need his tense flesh. He fights the urge to roughly grab your hands and force them to rub harder.

The turtle relaxes to your touch, a series of groans and whimpers escaping his lips from the pleasure he was feeling.

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