Chapter Eighteen: Casey Jones

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Okay. I need to warn you. This chapter contains a smut scene. If you are  uncomfortable with that, it is easy to scroll by! The smut scene has no addition to plot. I will put a big gap between the smut scene and the resume to the plot!
You have been warned!


"Y/n?" Leo knocks on the open doorframe of his bedroom door, seeing it wide open.

You perk up, your eyes peering over to him from your book. "Hey Lee."

Leo gently closes the door, locking it, before approaching the side of the bed. He snatches your book from your hands.

"Hey!" You yelp, watching him toss it onto his dresser.

He smirks, tackling you in a tight cuddle. He'd been quick to trap you between his arms, your forehead rested against his chest as his chin rested on the top of your head.

"What is your deal?" You chuckle.

"I thought maybe some cuddles would cheer you up." Leo says into your hair. "Is it working, princess?"

"Mmmm yeah."

Leo adjusts himself so he could face you, a smug grin on his face. His lips meet yours in a deep and needy kiss, and it had suddenly become a bit more heated.

Your boyfriend had been worried about you for the past week, considering the events of a week ago.

Your tongues danced in rhythm, Leo much more rough, and all you could do was hook your hands around the back of Leo's neck while he dominated your mouth.

And suddenly? You wanted more.

When Leo broke away for air, you wore a look of worry, and that sent the turtles heart into a frenzy, "Y/n, what's wrong?" You'd made out multiple times before, but something was obviously bothering you, and Leo could tell.

"I-I uhm..." Your core ached for attention, and you bit your lip to suppress a whimper.

"Princess, you can tell me." Leo coos, grabbing your chin. "What's up?"

"I-I'm so...gah...I need..."

Why was this so fucking hard? You wanted to just get it out. Ask him.

"Can we uhm...are you willing know...expand to that...type of relationship?"

Leo's heart began to pound at the thought of what you were suggesting. It was too vague, and the turtle worried he was just getting excited.

He had to be sure.

"What...what are you getting at?" Leo asks breathlessly.

"I just...I don't...can...shit! Leo, I-I want you! I fucking need you." You whine, resting your hands on his shoulders. "But if you don't want-"

"Don't." Leo stops you, adjusting his body against yours. "I've been waiting for you to say that for so long."


"Y/n. You drive me crazy." Leo husks, hooking an arm around your waist. "So...can I fuck you?"

You laugh. "Blunt."

"Yes or no, Princess?" The turtle urges with a smirk.


As soon as the words left your mouth, the turtle captured your lips in a hungry, lustful kiss. He left a trail of kisses for your mouth to your jaw, down to the crook of your neck.

Leo hit a particularly sensitive spot, drawing a gasp from your lips. He notices, sucking harder.

You feel his hands traveling up the side of your body, soon reaching your chest. He barely hesitates to massage your breasts through your shirt, still leaving marks on your neck.

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