Chapter Four: Lies

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I don't really have an authors note, soooo enjoy! Xoxo


"When are you available?"

"Well I'm not working at the pizza place downtown anymore, so anytime after school."

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart." Your dad says sweetly over the phone. "How about 4:00?"

"Yeah, that works! I'll meet you, there's this place down the block from where I'm staying."

You here your dad hum before responding. "Sounds good. Send me the address."

"Yep, love you, bye."

"Love you, sweetie."


You sat in a beanbag chair, watching the guys skate. Leo approached, seeing you get off the phone. "Who was that?"

"Just my dad, we're meeting for lunch tomorrow after school."

Leo smiles, joining you on the beanbag, dangerously close. You felt your stomach churn. "Sucks that you have to go to school. Could have spent the day with yours truly." He winks, sending shivers down your spine.

"Ha! You wish, Nardo."

"I do." Leo grins. "Anyways, when's the last time you saw your dad?"

"Almost 6 months." You say. "He's stopped calling these past few months, and that's not really like him."

"Is he doing okay?"

"He says so. He's coming down here on a business trip, so he says." You mutter. He was a carpenter, and he never travelled for work. He claimed it was an exclusive job, but you didn't buy it. Nevertheless, you didn't pry.

"Sounds like you don't buy it?" Leo says as if he read your mind.

You shrug. "I don't know. Doesn't matter. You got an extra board?" You ask, gesturing towards Leo's brothers on the ramp.

"You skate?"

You nod. "I skate."

"Hell yeah!" Leo exclaims, rising to his feet, and pulling you up by your hand. The turtle in blue rushes to the ramp, picking up his board and handing it to you.

You smirk, happy to get your mind of things with some thoughtless fun.


"Table for two. L/n."

The waistress nods, leading you to a table. "You're the last person of your party to arrive."

You nod, your father in sight. You smile, instantly taking him in a hug. "Oh my god, Y/n!" You farther beams. "You look great, honey! How have you been?"

"I've been great, actually."

"That's great to hear." He says with a huge smile, sitting down across from you. After some small talk, ordering your food, and after you began eating, you'd asked the question you'd been dying to know the answer to.

"So tell me about this business trip." You ask, shoveling a bite of Cesar salad into your mouth. "You don't really travel for work."

You noticed your father tense, breaking eye contact. You clench your jaw, seeing him biting the skin on his lips. Something he only ever did when he lied. "It was a special contract. A job request. The business is really growing, honey!"

"That's...that's great dad." You say, trying to fake a smile. He notices, unfortunately.

"What's wrong?"

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