Chapter Twenty Three: I'll Paint The Sky for You

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I'm sorry I took so long to update. I had a rough night and I ended up relapsing. It's been a hard few months.
Enjoy the chapter!



You whip your head around, trying to spot the familiar voice in the void of black. All you could see was black, and a thin layer of water glistening at your feet, not going higher than the top of your foot.

"Hello?" You call out, hearing your voice echo in the darkness.

"Y/n..." You hear the voice again, except it was coming from a completely different direction.

"Who are you?!" You scream, placing two hands on your head. Was this what it felt like to lose your mind?

"It's time to wake up now, darling." The feminine voice reveals itself, making your breath hitch in your throat.

"M-mom?" You whisper, eyes glistening with tears.

She nods, wearing a comforting smile that you had missed for so long.

"Wait I-I have questions...I miss you. Can't I stay here with you?"

Your mother shakes her head. "I believe you're forgetting about a certain red-eared slider and his brothers. They await your return eagerly."

Leonardo. He'd stayed by your side through every minute of this battle for life, and you couldn't help but feel guilty at the thought of leaving him behind.

"It is not your time yet, my daughter. It's time for you to go back." Your mother whispers, resting a hand on your shoulder. It felt so real, only making your heart ache more.

"I miss you so much. Please! Please..."

"If your heart ever longs for my presence, just know I have never and will never leave your side. Spiritually, love." She promises this with an apologetic smile, her soft eyes looking down at you.

She notices your hesitation. "And if the thought and knowledge become not enough, just look to the sky."

"I see you in the sky all the time...I haven't forgotten you."

"I know baby. I know."

"Do you still love me? Even after I killed them? Killed dad?" You voice cracks, tears slipping from your eyes.

"Of course I do." She promises. "I love you more than anything."

"Can I please stay with you? Please?"

She shakes her head, offering an apologetic glance.

You couldn't put into words the feeling that consumed you, just that you knew you were leaving whatever spiritual plane you were in. You were leaving your mother.

"W-wait! No! Please, wait!" You beg, slipping further and further from your mother.

"All your questions will be answered when we see each other again." Your mother promises.

"No!" You whine. "Please don't leave me!"

     "I'll paint the sky for you, darling."


Your eyes crack open slowly as your greeted with the low hum from the fan beside you. Your eyes fall on your boyfriend, asleep on a recliner beside your bed. You then look at the alarm clock on Donnie's work table. It was fifteen minutes after seven.

Did you want to make your presence known yet? It felt like your flesh was replaced by sandbags, your body threatening to sink through the bed and into the floor. Your eye lids felt as though they were boring a hole in your face, but not in a way you'd expect to be tired.

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