Chapter Five: Ocean Blue

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Happy new years! I hope everything's well <3

Enjoy! Xoxo


"Are you sure this is safe?" You ask Donnie, curling your fingers around the table top you sat on.

Donnie shrugs. "Yeah."

You narrow your gaze, making him smile nervously. "95 percent sure."

"Are you using me as your lab experiment? Donatello!" You tease. You were slightly worried, but you trusted Donnie.

"Of course not! I'm merely...okay, maybe your a bit of an experiment." Donnie sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "But how else are we supposed to figure out what your Yokai half is?"

You eye the syringe, the lavender liquid making your stomach churn. "Okay. You better not kill me." 

"I won't. If Leo came back from patrol and found his precious girlfriend dead at my hands, he'd definitely kill me." Donnie chuckles quietly.

"I'm not his girlfriend." You say defensively, your lips curling upward in smile.

Donnie taps the liquid tube, testing the syringe. "Not yet."

"Donnie!" You hiss, letting out a giggle.

The turtle couldn't help but smile. In the short amount of time that he'd known you, he'd secretly grown to like you. What could he say? You were an enjoyable person.

"Okay, you ready?"

"Is this gonna hurt?" You ask quietly, looking into his eyes. You've always hated needles, and now that he was getting closer to actually using it, you were becoming more and more worried.

Donnie holds up his hand, placing it flat and tilting it back and forth as if to say 'so so.' He notices your discomfort, patting your shoulder. "Hey, I got you. Don't worry."

You nod, sticking out your arm. "Go ahead."

"Uhm actually..." the turtle trials off, gently pushing your arm back down to your side.

You tilt your head, questioning him.

Donnie gives an apologetic glance before tipping his head to the side tapping his own neck.

It took you a split second to realize what he was asking. "My neck?" You shudder. "Donnie, I really don't do needles. The arm is one thing, I-I don't..."

"Hey." Donnie says gently, causing your eyes to dart to his. "You can trust me."

You look down, your hands beginning to shake.

"Can I do...anything?"

You bite your lip. You wished Leo was here to comfort you. He always made you feel better.

Silently, you grip Donnie's hand, tilting your head so he could gain access to your neck. "I'll be quick." He says softly, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.

Upon feeling the needle pierce your skin, you tightened your grip on the turtles hand, letting out a whimper.

"All done." He says.

You look at him. "T-thanks." You whisper, gently rubbing your neck where he'd broke the skin. Donnie nods, placing a small bandaid on the spot. "What's supposed to happen now?"

"Well it won't be immediate, but if I correctly made the serum, your Yokai form should be forced to the surface." He said, air quoting 'surface.'

"And if you didn't make it correctly?"

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