Chapter Eight: Resistance

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I don't know...


Leo's POV:

Everything happened so fast. Draxum knocked her unconscious, wrapping her in the vines that had held me. He didn't hesitate to toss me aside, and not gently might I add. I struggled to stand from the sudden impact of my shell slamming against the ally wall, but a boost of adrenaline shot through me.

I couldn't let him take her.

"NO!" I yell, blindly charging the Baron. He dodges my attack effortlessly, not even looking at me as he did so.

I was attacking recklessly. Pointlessly. I had no plan, I was just hitting.

Or trying to.

"You're lucky I'm letting you live." Draxum growls to me.

On the third time I'd charged him, he'd had enough, swinging Y/n to the side, he used his free hand to slam me against the ally wall.


Groaning, I try to stand, only to be stopped by his voice. "Enough." He mutters threateningly. "You've already lost her. Save yourself and the girl some pain and stay down."

"N-never." I mumble, wobbling on my feet before falling again.

Draxum shakes his head, stalking away. "N-no. No..." I hear myself mutter. I couldn't reach him or Y/n in time, before I'd blacked out as well.


Leo's POV:

When I came to, my entire body was throbbing. I blinked, bringing my vision from blurry to clear, and at first, I couldn't remember where I was.

And then, everything hit me like freight train. Y/n. Draxum. How long was I out?

I had to get back to the lair.

How could I let this happen? I scolded myself silently.

As I got to my feet suddenly, I felt nauseous at the immediate movement. I groan, clutching my side as I hurry to the sewers.

It took me longer than I wanted to get to the lair, due to the occasional stumble. Eventually, though, I made it.

"G-guys!" I croak, shouting through the lair. "Gah!" I let out a yell, a shudder racking my body. Sighing, I slump against the wall, sliding to the floor.

That's when Mikey came.

"Leo?" Mikey calls, not in sight yet. "Where were you? You and Y/n have been gone for almost 3 hours! We were starting to worry."

3 hours? I begin to do the math in my head. Oh my god, I've been passed out for an hour. Y/n...she's been gone hour.

That's when Mikey rounds the corner, finally laying eyes on my beaten body. It wasn't as bad as it looked, if I was being honest.

"Ohmigosh! Leo!" Mikey sprints to my side. "Donnie! Raph!"

I groan, patting Mikey's shoulder. "I-I'm fine. I need to find Y/n."

"Leo, what happened? Where's Y/n?" Raphael asks suddenly, rushing to my side, Donnie behind him.

"Draxum got her. We need to find her..." I murmur, my eyes fluttering gently. I was so tired.

"We need to treat your wounds." Donnie mutters. "How long ago was Y/n taken?"

"A-an hour." I whisper.

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