Chapter Seventeen: Downward Spiral Into a Sea of Distractions

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Alright, I'm on the airplane. I'm scared-
I've never flown before and I don't like it.
I guess the flight itself wasn't bad, just landing/taking off is pretty scary.



"Y/n L/n!" Your name echoes over the speakers with your eyes glued on the lifeless body in front of you. "With this kill, she is officially our top Battle Nexus Champion."

"N-no...I'm sorry please."

Blood stained your hands, and even if you physically clean it, you knew it would always be there.

"Y/n. Y/n, wake up."

"Y/n, dear." Big Mama's voice rung in your ears. "You've done well. I knew you could kill."

"Please! No! I didn't want this!" You kicked and thrashed, your eyes shooting open. You felt hands around your shoulders and immediately shook them off, the feeling of danger washing over you. "NO!" You scream, breathing heavily.

"Y/n...It's just me." Leo's soothing voice shatters your panic, quickly replacing it with shame.

You shake your head, coiled to the other end of the bed you shared with your boyfriend. You could barely breath, the air seemingly glued in your lungs.

Leo reached out, only for you to flinch back. His eye glistened in worry.

You force yourself to breathe, a useless attempt as your breathing came out in an exaggerated gasp.  Your one gasp fell into two, then three, until you were hyperventilating through sobs, the feeling of not being able to think straight grasping you indefinitely.

"Y/n. You're safe." Leo whispers, his hands reaching out slowly. You don't pull back this time, allowing him to gently rub circles on your shoulders with his thumbs, an attempt to get you to calm down. "Hey. Breathe, love. I'm right here, everything's okay."

You slowly focus on your breathing, slowly coming down from the overwhelming panic that you felt. Once Leo was sure you were relaxed enough, he pulled you into him, softly whispering to calm you down further.

It had begun with a nightmare, falling into a panic attack, and now you simply let silent tears stream down your cheeks as Leo held you close.

"I'm sorry." You whisper, barely audible.

"Don't apologize. I promise you did nothing wrong."

"I killed a-all those p-people." You stammer quietly, tightening your grip on Leo's body. "I w-woke you up."

"It's okay." The turtle promises, petting your hair.


                               "It's okay."


Your eyes hung heavy, feeling as if they had sunken into your skull. Your head pounded and your hands shook.

You had woken up to Leo holding you, his eyes still shut as he let out soft snores. You gently wiggled out of bed, careful not to wake him, and headed down to the kitchen.

As you poured yourself a large mug of coffee, you couldn't help but think of how lucky you were that it was the weekend. You doubted you could have been productive at school today, let alone softball practice.

Silently, you sit at the table with your coffee, staring off into space.

You didn't know how long you'd sat there, only that your second cup of coffee was gone, when Donnie entered the kitchen.

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