Chapter Twenty Two: I Want to Wake Up

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Prepare yourself, there is nothing happy or cute about this chapter. It is pure and heavy angst.


You'd always loved the quiet, but this kind of silence was different. It was cold. Dark. Uneasy.

It was like an endless void of nothing, only left with how you felt.

Physically, you were freezing. Like pins and needles pricking your skin. You felt like your heart should be racing, but it was only beating agonizingly slow.

On top of that, you couldn't shake the uncertainty that ate away at you. The fear that had gripped you so tightly and refused to let go, allowing you to drown in the dark ocean you were stuck in. It was like black waves beat down on your conscious, repeatedly trying to drive you into the ground.

Then you could hear voices.

"How is she?"

That voice was familiar, and provided a small sense of comfort in your fear. Who was speaking?

"I don't know. She's okay for now."

"I'll be in my room."

A different voice spoke these words, and you recognized it too. You couldn't form a complete thought, let alone give the voices a name. Only a feeling.


You wanted them to keep talking. To hear their voices, even if it was temporary relief.  Desperately, you willed your body to move, but you couldn't do anything. It was like your brain was completely disassociated with your body, ignoring any physical command you gave.

The silence was deafening, leaving you to wonder exactly what was going on. Why could I move? Why is it so cold?

"I don't know if you can hear me."

"But I love you, and I need you."

The voice. It was back. You were overwhelmed with relief at the sound of this persons voice, and you wished you could reply to them. Say that you loved them back.

Leo. It was Leo.

He was here. He was okay.

You wanted so badly to reach your hand out and grab his own. You wanted him to know that you could hear him and that you wanted, needed him to keep talking.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

Please, don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault. Your thoughts screamed but your mouth stayed closed, your body unwilling to listen to your orders.

"Please...please wake up."

I want to! Please, I want to wake up.

You couldn't cry, you couldn't scream, you couldn't even move, and that hurt more than any physical pain you would ever experience.

"I've never heard silence this loud, Y/n..."

You didn't hear him leave, but he wasn't talking anymore. Everything in you wanted to beg him to talk to you. You prayed his voice would lead you back to consciousness, but apparently, it couldn't be right now.

"I'll stay here." You hear his soft voice one last time, his voice cracking.

Let me wake up. Please, I want to wake up.


Leonardo's POV:

I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept. I think it had been two days, and I'd only dozed off for an hour or two.

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