Chapter Fourteen: Fighting

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Okay, I was so eager to write this chapter it's stupid. Here we go!
Enjoy! Xoxo

"Who are you to tell me what I'm thinking, Raph?" Leo spits, his eyes narrowing.

"You've always got your head up your ass! I've always got to be the one to look out for you guys!" The eldest fires back. "Especially you!"

"I never asked you to babysit me!" The turtle in blue shouts. "And I'm starting to think this has nothing to do with Y/n!"

Leo was wrong, because in fact, it had everything to do with you. Raph was so concerned that if you and his brother had a falling out, it would affect the way you worked as team. How you fought. How you preformed.

He had to think about everyone.

"It does too!" Raph retorts, throwing up his arms. "If you and Y/n don't think about the bigger picture, it could cost someone their life! I have to look out for everyone, Leonardo." The leader practically spat his younger brother's name.

This only fueled his anger. "You're saying Y/n isn't thinking too?" Leo hisses, immediately enraged at the insult to you.

Although, that's not what Raphael meant, that's how Leo took it.

"No! Leo, you're not hearing me!" Raph yells desperately.

"No. I'm hearing you just fine." Leo mutters. "You know, you're not perfect!"

"I never said I was! I'm just trying to-"

"TRYING TO WHAT?!" Leo shouts at the top of his lungs, practically steaming at the ears. "I'm tired of you telling me how much a LIABILITY I am! Do you know how exhausting that is?"

Upon hearing the yelling, you and Mikey stalk to the kitchen, where the two were fighting.

You were about to cut in, when they began bickering once more.

"Leo, I never said-"

"Implied. You implied." Leo spits. "Or am I too dumb to know what that word means?"

"Would you quit cutting me off?!" Raph yells.

"No! Telling me I'm a liability is one thing, but you don't get to talk about Y/n like that." Leo orders.

Raph face palms. "I didn't talk about Y/n in any way. You're not listening!"

"Talk about me how?" You cut in timidly, standing beside Mikey. "Leo? Raph?"

"Y-Y/n?" Leo stutters, spinning to face you.

"Nothing, Y/n." Raph murmurs. "It doesn't involve you."

"Yeah. It does." You mutter. "You said my name."

"Raph thinks our relationship is going to put the team in danger." Leo spits.

This was spinning out of control, Mikey could only stand by and watch. He inhaled before retreating to the comfort of Donnie's lab.

As Mikey left, you felt a pang of emotion that you couldn't identify. Guilt? Hurt?


Was it fear? Did you fear that you had caused more harm than good when you'd decided to come into the brother's life?

Yes. Yes you did.

"I didn't realize." You mutter, your shoulders drooping. "I'm sorry."

Raph could see that he had hurt your feelings, and part of him blamed Leo, for the way he said it. The way he gave him no room to explain. But he pushed the feeling away, and tried to take accountability for his words. "Y/n, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant and you have no reason to be sorry."

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