Chapter Twenty: Head Injury

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I can't believe people actually like this book but...thank you guys so much!!! <3

I'm getting even more love on my other story, Embers, which is a Bayverse Leonardo x Reader fic. I appreciate you guys!!!

"Mystic hands!" Screams Mikey, putting up his hands with a grunt, trying to protect Donnie from the Subway monster.

Of course this didn't work, and Donatello realized this, jumping up and throwing himself and his youngest brother out of the way. He hadn't made it far enough, being crushed underneath the Kraangified monster.

"NO!" You scream, starting to sprint in their direction, only for a slimy tentacle to wrap around your wrist and pull. You fall to the ground, your knife slipping from your hands. "DONNIE! MIKEY!" You beg, desperately trying to free your hand from the Kraang creatures grasp.

You feel another tentacle wrap around your other wrist, pulling you backwards faster. "LET GO! NO! STOP! LET ME GO!"

Suddenly, a katana is thrown, cutting both of the tentacles binding your wrists, allowing you to fall onto the ground.

Leo gets you to your feet, grabbing your hand as he pulls you after him, as he followed Casey. The Subway Monster screeches, coming after the three of you.

The ceiling and walls of the subway tunnel crumbled around you, beams and chunks of the structure falling. They threatened to crush you if you didn't swerve at the right moments.

Suddenly, it pounced, soaring above you with a screech. It barely missed you, slamming into the ground and sending the entire tunnel into a violet shake.

Leo is thrown into the end of the tunnel wall. "Leo!" You yell, rushing to his side. He gets up quickly, grabbing your body and swinging you behind him to shield you.

The ground shook, and you barely had time to register what was happening before the ground below you gave way, sending the three of you down. Where? You had no clue.

The last thing you remember is giving a violent shout before black takes over your vision and everything goes quiet.


"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!"

"What was that?"

"Y/n! Please....please. I'm sorry. Please."

Your eyes crack open, seeing Leo knelt over your with a pale face and wide eyes. Casey stood behind him, wearing a disappointed glare, aimed right at your boyfriend.

Everything was fuzzy in your line of sight, and your ears held a slight ring. "L-Leo?"

"Y/n? Oh god. I-I am so sorry. I don't...I didn't mean..."

"I-it's o-..kay." You stutter, gripping Leo's shoulders tightly.

"She's probably got a concussion." Casey mutters bitterly, seemingly angry. "What the heck was that back there? Huh?"

"What are you talking about?" Leo whispers, not taking his eyes off of you while addressing Casey. He gently stroked your cheek, his eyes glued to yours as they were filled with worry.

"Why wouldn't you listen to anybody? Your team!?" Shouts Casey, crouching on the broken slated piece of concrete.

"Because I was trying to get to the other side of that fight! Into the building!" Protests Leo, moving his hands to yours as he turns his head to look at Casey.

"Well that sure worked out well!" Spits Casey.

"How did it go so wrong?" Murmurs the turtle, looking down at the ground.

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