Costume Design

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As soon as everyone was back in the classroom, Aizawa handed small tablets to everyone and started to explain what they were doing. 

"Today you'll be using these devices to design your hero costumes." He started. "First, select what you need in it. Flame resistance, acid resistance, heating, cooling, flexibility, durability, shock resistance and more. Then, based on your list, you will be provided options for materials and fabrics to use after that, just customise it to your liking. When you're done, hand me the device. They already have your name and measurements. Go get started." Aizawa finished. "Oh, and this probably won't happen, but in the case that you've already made yours, I give you permission to go get it and model it to the class." At this, Keiya's head shot up, which Tokoyami and Todoroki both noticed. "You already made yours?" Todoroki asked. "Yes." Keiya replied. Amongst the chatter, Mina somehow overheard them talking and called, "Can you show us?" across the room. "Yeah, can you?" Sero asked. "I bet it looks great! Please?" Midoriya asked from the back (there was a "SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD" from Bakugou).

"Sure!" Keiya stood up and walked to the door and opened it. "Wait." Aizawa said. "Cover it up with your wings if you can until you're in the classroom." "Okay!" Keiya nodded, closing the door behind her.

*Five minutes later*

When Keiya got back, everyone was chatting about their costume designs. The class went silent as Keiya walked back into the room, who had her wings wrapped around herself. "Ah, you're back. Let's see it." Aizawa said from his sleeping bag. "Alright." With that, Keiya unfurled her wings, revealing her hero costume. There was an "Ooh" from the entire room.

Keiya wore a tight top that wrapped nicely around her upper body. It had golden shoulder pads and elbow-length fingerless gloves with a gold trim. For pants, Keiya had thigh-high stockings accompanied by shorts and a utility belt with golden pouches. Her feet had golden boots on them. She had a long scarf that flowed down her neck. Finally, she was wearing specially made earmuffs with a gold trim that wrapped around the back of her head. They were connected to a white visor, which Keiya detached. But most importantly, all the non-armour parts of the costume were as white as Keiya's wings.

"Hold on." Kaminari interrupted. "Why is there gold?" "A, it's my eye colour and also my dad's. B, it's after the golden fruit dove.". Keiya flinched slightly at the lie that their eye colour was only gold. "It's made of my own feather fibres, so it's flexible and durable. I can also harden it like Kirishima, except it's not actually my skin." Keiya explained. "Since the scarf is also made of feather fibres, can you control it like I control my scarf?" Aizawa inquired, interested in his student's practicality. "Yes. I can also split it and form different weapons." After a nod from Aizawa, she began to demonstrate splitting it into parts and forming sai, kunai, a sword, a whip, chakrams, a spear, katanas and finally, a bo staff. The whole class clapped, and Bakugou even shrugged.

"Can you twirl around?" Somebody asked. Everyone immediately turned to Tokoyami with an "Ohhhhh!!" "So obvious." Mineta tutted, to which Tsu commented, "Hypocrite.". "Sure." Keiya smiled at an already flustered Tokoyami, and twirled around so that everyone could see how flexible the costume was. "Alright, I'm gonna go change back into school uniform now."

*Five minutes later*

"I wish I hadn't said that." Tokoyami groaned. "Don't worry. Nobody's going to make fun of you for it." Keiya was reassuring an extremely embarrassed bird boi as he added a long, black cape to his costume. "How does this look?" He asked. "It really suits your Quirk." Keiya smiled up at him. "I like it." As she said that, Hagakure smiled an invisible smile.

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