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Keiya jolted awake in the hospital room, their fringe swept messily on their left eye. Beeping machines surrounded them as their eyes adjusted to the harsh light. Looking to their feet, red wings were slumped out. 

"Dad!" Keiya poked Hawks' head, and he shot up. 

"KEIYA! OH MY GOD YOU HAVEN'T WOKEN UP IN A WEEK PLEASE DON'T EVER DIE AGAIN" Hawks screeched ad he wrapped Keiya in a hug. "Wait, what do you mean a week?" Keiya asked. "You've been in a coma for a week. Your body reacted so badly to the electricity that the doctors thought you wouldn't make it." Hawks sobbed. "I'm so sorry!" Keiya was crying too now. "Hawks. The Commission needs you urgently." Endeavor said from the doorway. "One second Enji. I love my child, which you clearly don't understand." Hawks snapped at him. "I have to go now, Keiya. But I have something for you." Hawks took out a white and red choker necklace. "This has our feather fibres woven into it. So we always know how the other is. And I can always be there for you." He explained as Keiya put it on. Hawks gave her one last hug. "I love you." He whispered, then walked out of the room with Endeavor. Keiya watched him go, then drifted off to sleep.

*A few hours later* 

Keiya woke up in the middle of the day, feeling refreshed and ready. When they sat up, Aizawa knocked on the door and came in. "Looks like Recovery Girl's Quirk worked on you. Good to see you're awake, Keiya. You have a few visitors from your class, if you're comfortable with it." He said. "Okay." Keiya nodded, smiling. "Alright." Aizawa left the room, closing the door behind him. A moment later, all the girls of the class came in.

"Keiya! We were so worried!" Mina brought Keiya into a gentle hug, and the other girls followed. "Really?" Keiya asked. "Yeah! You're one of us girls, after all." Jirou smiled, and Keiya felt uncomfortable again. They took a deep breath. "Well, actually...I'm non-binary." Keiya admitted. After a one-millisecond-long silence, the girls all smiled. "That's perfectly fine! You're still our friend." Momo smiled. "And you can still come to our meetings!" Mina said. "So is it they/them pronouns now? Kero." Tsu inquired. "Yes, please." Keiya smiled. "Cool beans. We need to go now, so see you in class!" Hagakure said. "Here are some cookies we baked. See you!" Uraraka handed Keiya a pink box as the girls left the room, smiling and waving.

The boys were next, and they were careful to not crush the frail small Keiya with their hugs. Keiya came out to them too, and they all accepted them like the girls did. "I'n so sorry, Keiya. I never meant to shock you." A crying Kaminari apologised as Keiya hugged him. "Shh, I know. It wasn't your fault. Thank you for saving the class." Keiya soothed him. "You lost a lot of weight, so we all made you food!" Sato motioned to Keiya's bedside table, where a pile of food accompanied the pink box of cookies. "Heh. I knew you were tough enough to pull through, pigeon." Bakugou chuckled. "Keiya! Please ensure that you get enough nutrition!" Iida said, doing his iconic hand-chop motion. Keiya smiled, but they realised that one person wasn't there. "Where's Tokoyami?" They asked concernedly. "We decided to let him go in alone. We thought that you two would want that. He was crying for three days." Sero smirked. The boys left after a bit more conversation, leaving Keiya awaiting Tokoyami's arrival.

He came five minutes later, practically running as he burst through the door. "Keiya!" He screamed, engulfing them in a hug that felt more personal than usual. Dark Shadow joined in, wrapping the two of them in his shadowy arms. "Fumi's been talking about you all the time. Even in his sleep!" Dark Shadow teased. "Silence!" Tokoyami commanded. "Uh... Maybe I was. I just like you. A lot." He quickly added, talking to Keiya. They smiled, but then frowned. "I know you like me, and I really like you too. But you like girls only, and-" "Not true." Tokoyami interrupted. "I'm pansexual. I like anyone regardless of their gender." He explained. "Oh!" Keiya's face lit up. "That sounds like me too!" "Cool." Tokoyami chuckled. "So...Would you like to be my joyfriend?" He asked tentatively. Keiya laughed, a pleasant sound. "Yes, yes! I would love to!" They said, embracing Tokoyami again. "Eh...You can call me Fumi if you want." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sure, Fumi." Keiya smiled at him, and Tokoyami only got more flustered.

Tokoyami brought out two neatly-packed bento boxes. "I know we're in the hospital, but do you want to eat lunch here?" He asked. "Okay." Keiya smiled, graciously taking one of the boxes.

The new couple were midway through their apple slices (Tokoyami's favourite) when Aizawa came in, holding a package. "This came for you. I'll leave you two to your date." He placed the package on Keiya's lap and left the room.

Keiya opened the package and read the note inside.

Dear Keiya, I heard that you woke up today. I hope you're well. I wanted to give you this for a while. Good luck with your schooling.


Keiya read the last part and closed the letter, silent. "What was it?" Tokoyami asked. Keiya folded up the letter, then held the package in their hands. "Nothing, just a family member hoping I'm well." They smiled. They unwrapped the little brown package, and it was a beautiful necklace with a small turquoise pendant. Keiya put it on, smiling, knowing that her father was alive. "It compliments your eye so well." Tokoyami commented. Keiya nodded, still lost in thought.

After they finished their bento boxes, Hawks came back in, as Keiya could be admitted from the hospital.  Tokoyami had headed back to UA because of the dorms being installed, and his furniture was already there. As Keiya and their dad flew back to move their stuff to the dorms, they were still wondering one vital question:

Where was their father?

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