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Keiya had taken a shower, and they were just flying out the window when Tokoyami flew out of his too. "That's weird. We've both flown out of our windows at the same time twice now!" Keiya called as Tokoyami flew to them. "That is an interesting coincidence." He nodded. "Are you going to help with the cooking?" He asked. "Yep!" Keiya said. "As soon as I get there..."

When the couple got there, only one person was helping Mandalay and with the cooking-Bakugou. "Are you sure you want to help?" Tokoyami whispered. Keiya smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." Keiya walked to Mandalay. "Ah, Keiya! Glad you could help. We're making sashimi. The rice is already on the boil, so just help cut the fish. I trust that you can use a knife?" She said questioningly. "Oh, yes. I can use knives safely." Keiya nodded. "Good. Now why don't you go cut fish? It's over there." "Alright." 

Keiya grabbed a tray of salmon from where Mandalay was pointing at and walked over to the kitchen counter. Bakugou was swiftly slicing a piece of salmon with incredible focus. He looked up as Keiya put their chopping board on the counter. "Hey, Keiya." He sighed. "Oh! So Bakugou CAN use people's real names!" Kaminari's voice rang from behind them. "SHUT UP, YOU DAMN EXTRA! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT WE'RE TRYING TO COOK?!" He yelled. Keiya blinked rapidly for a second, then shook their head and reached for a knife. They pulled out a steel, razor-thin knife that gleamed in the light. "Careful with that." Bakugou warned. "I will be." Positioning themselves, Keiya began to cut the fish into even portions, moving their hand just as fast to avoid cuts. In a couple of seconds, they were finished with the fillet and went for another one. Bakugou seemed to notice. "That was...Fast I guess. But not as fast as me!" He began cutting even faster, and Keiya was so afraid that he would cut himself. Thankfully, nobody did.

The fish slices were done quickly, and the rice had finished chilling. Molds were used to form perfect pieces of sashimi, which were put on platters and served to an extremely hungry class. After passing the plates around, Keiya sat next to Tokoyami and Jirou. "Mmm. These are delicious." Jirou said, munching on a piece. "Keiya-Chan! I have a question." Midoriya called from the table next to Keiya. "Sure." "I just noticed that your body temperature is higher than average. Does this have something to do with your Quirk?" He asked, notebook and pen at the ready. "You just noticed?" Mina asked. Keiya's mind had sirens firing in it. Their Flame Quirk must have caused it! "I have no idea how." They lied. Thankfully, Midoriya accepted their answer and turned back to Iida. Keiya sighed in relief as Todoroki and Tokoyami gave each other knowing glances.

Later, everyone had finished eating and were just relaxing around the campfire. The dishes had been loaded in the dishwasher, relieving Sero and Ojiro of loading duty. "Hey." Tokoyami said, sitting next to Keiya on the log. "I asked Mister Aizawa if we could walk in the forest. Since we can both fly, he said yes. So do you want to come?" He asked. "Okay, let's go." Keiya stood up and gently grabbed Tokoyami's hand. They walked off into the forest, talking quietly about their families. "My father hasn't texted in three days. I'm getting worried." Keiya sighed. "If he's on s mission, he's probably doing well. It's okay." Tokoyami reassured. "Don't worry!" Dark Shadow chimed in. Keiya looked up and noticed a tree with a large, leafless branch. "Do you want to sit there?" They asked, pointing at the tree. It seemed Tokoyami had noticed it too, because he held Keiya's hand and flew up. After they perched on the branch, Keiya took put their head on Tokoyami's shoulder, who put his arm on theirs and leaned on them. The moon was full that night, and the shadows danced. Dark Shadow danced as well, gleefully moving about. The couple, however, just enjoyed the moment in silence.

That moment was interrupted by Dark Shadow gasping and hiding behind the tree trunk. "What is it?" Tokoyami whispered. "Oh no." He turned around. Keiya was staring at a gang of fierce- looking people. He could hear them saying, "Kidnap", "convert", and finally, "destroy". "Oh no is right." He shuddered.  "Those people are planning to kidnap one of us."

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