The Plan

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Both Endeavor and Hawks had a villain to deal with at their city, meaning that they were late by at least an hour. But when bright, large flames appeared on the horizon, that meant one thing.

"Team Phoenix, are you in position? Confirm. Over." Ragdoll said (They were able to get the hero team in on it too). "Affirmative. Over." Aizawa confirmed. Once again, they were using walkie-talkies. The team was set up in a spacious, circular clearing surrounded by a ring of large oak trees. "I see him on the horizon. Initiate." Mandalay told the team telepathically.

 "Dabi, Keiya. Here's the dye remover." Momo said from her hiding spot on the tree. Both of them deftly caught their dye with a "thanks". "Alright. Todoroki, take the sleeping pill." Aizawa's voice instructed from the tree opposite to Momo. Wordlessly, Shoto swallowed the pill, lying down on the floor in front of Dabi as Keiya set a feather loose. They searched for Endeavor, then inserted the feather in his belt when they found him. Suddenly, they remembered that they'd done the same for the villains. They searched for them, and thankfully they were still waiting in the other clearing. For now, Keiya needed to focus on Endeavor.

"He's five minutes away from us." They informed Dabi, who nodded and took out Shoto's phone as Keiya flew back to the building roof. "Ha. He has Enji in as Flaming Trash." Dabi said, calling the number. A single ring later, the trash picked up.

"Shoto! Are you alright?" Endeavor asked. "I'm afraid he's...Unavailable." Dabi sneered. "What? Who is this and what have you done to my son!?" Endeavor yelled. "Don't hang up just yet, Enji Todoroki. I know that you're exactly five minutes away from us in the direction that you're walking. Meet me there."  Before Dabi hung up, he could practically hear the shudder that Endeavor let out.

"He's on his way. Is everyone ready?" Dabi asked. Everyone gave a thumbs-up as confirmation, and Shoto let out a snore. From the building, Keiya set a feather on fire and waved it in the air.

Three minutes later, Endeavor came, burning with rage. He had walked into the clearing, where Dabi was standing over Shoto. 

"You! The vigilante! How dare you kidnap my son!" He yelled, to which Dabi just smirked and brought out the dye remover. "You complain about kidnapping when you've done much worse. Anyway, how's the scar?" Endeavor got even angrier at that. "You're just a villain, Dabi." He hissed. 

Dabi launched into his act and speech. He had already planned one for years, but he'd quickly come up with another one when his child came into the picture. "Don't call me by my code name. Why do that when you already gave me one?" He asked, pouring the dye over his head. His hair quickly faded to a snowy colour, and he burnt the can, hair still dripping.

"Yes...All those years ago, you gave me the name Touya Todoroki. You created me." He grinned, starting to dance. "You ruined the rest of my life. My career. My future family. So I've been trying to outshine you as a vigilante. But oh, no. When I save an unconscious person from an avalanche, you somehow get the credit. When I saved a man at gunpoint as a child, you took the credit. And when you trained me, you planned to take the credit for me becoming a hero. As always." He monologued. From the rooftop, Keiya and Tokoyami watched, waiting for the signal. The class watched from the windows below them. Suddenly, Aizawa noticed the villains watching the scene from a bush. He would let it slide for the moment.

 "So callous, and so unlucky! It took you four...attempts to quote-unquote breed the perfect child! Well, guess what? I have a child. That's right, you heard me correctly. I wanted a child for the real reason you have kids-To start a family and settle down. But when they were birthed, you decided to put me on your wanted list. I had to keep my family safe! So I haven't seen my child in eight years. All because of you. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm talking about a foreign concept to you! You don't know how to love your family. All you saw were soldiers or failures!" Dabi finished his dance with a pirouette. Endeavor was blissfully speechless. "SO YOU CAN BURN IN HELL WITH ME!" He screamed.

That was Keiya's cue to fly there as fast as they possibly could. Dabi charged up a fireball in his hand, and let it loose at Endeavor. As it was about to hit him, Keiya landed in front of him and activated their own flame. Blue flames, even brighter than Dabi's, spurted out, blocking the fireball. For five seconds, the two let out flames at each other, then stopped.

Toga's jaw dropped, Kurogiri looked puzzled and Endeavor was horrified. "You-You're-"

"That's right." Keiya took out their can of dye remover, pouring it all over their hair. "My name is Keiya Takami-Todoroki." They said as their hair faded to white. Grabbing their fringe, they brought a sharpened feather to it, trimming half of it off messily. "And my father is a vigilante, not a villain. For your information, he's only taking credit for the scar. That was caused by something else." Keiya revealed. "Hey!" Dabi complained (It was actually true). "Sorry! Anyway, you have nothing against him." Keiya continued. "My father is clean, apart from being a hero without a license. If you testify against him, then it's your word against all of ours." They finished with a weird sense of pride.

That was when Aizawa and Momo climbed out of their trees and ran into the clearing. The sleeping pill wore off, and Todoroki opened his eyes. "I knew that you were a secret love child!" He exclaimed dramatically. "Keiya's right, Endeavor. Everyone will testify against you." Momo said. "And your family will reveal all of your abuse if you do. Natsuo and Fuyumi are in a safe location, so don't even think about silencing them." Aizawa added. "So basically, the deal is either I let Dab- I mean Touya back into the family or I go to jail." Endeavor confirmed. "Yep." Keiya nodded. Endeavor sighed exasperatingly. "Fine. Your siblings will be excited." He monotoned to Dabi. "I should go. Hawks will be coming soon." He started to walk off. "And Shoto? That marriage is off." As soon as he was out of earshot, everyone cheered.

"We did it!" Keiya squealed, hugging Dabi and Shoto. "Wait, what marriage?" Aizawa asked. "Trust me, you don't want to know." Momo laughed. "Now let's go get Bakugou and Shinsou."

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