Devil Horns (Steddie) Part 2

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You should see Eddie's it's huge

Those words replayed in my mind over and over again as I sat there on the couch aside from the DND table, watching the Kids and Eddie scream things at each other that I couldn't even comprehend. It was like Wall Street, yelling incoherent things at each other. It was like I got to eaves drop on a secret meeting that the world was going to end and only they knew about it. It was truly intense but I am glad I did not get involved in this whole theatrical ordeal because it seemed hard that's until Eddie stood up and silenced everyone in the room looking over to me causing the kids to also turn around in their chairs and glare.

"Steve you're over there just watching!" Eddie exclaimed and I swallowed looking between everyone and raised my hands up out of protest.

"Oh no! it's okay truly"

"Come on Steve!" Dustin yelled and started banging the table and eventually Lucas and Will joined in banging the table as well chanting. "Steve! Steve!"

"Alright alright!!! THATS ENOUGH GREMLINS" Eddie growled loudly like some sort of mythical dinosaur creature which was honestly impressive and marched over to me, standing tall above me as I sat on the couch. He held out a hand to me and my breath hitched and I shifted on the couch, looking behind Eddie to the kids.

"Here come sit next to me, watch me play" Eddie insisted and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before sighing and giving in.

"Fine! Fine! I will watch" I shot a dagger to Eddie and grabbed his hand getting up off the couch and everyone hooted and hollered in response as you walked over to the table. Eddie walked away, fetching a chair and scooted it close to his.

"Your majesty" He said, holding out the chair for me and wiggling his eyebrows. All the kids around the table giggled and Dustin hauled over, grabbing his stomach. Eddie then stepped off to the side once I sat down and sat down at his own chair, grabbing at his binder.

"Okay Okay! fan the boy!" I stated waving my hand in Dustin's direction laughing with them.

Dustin sat up and fixed himself before leaning over towards Eddie to whisper but it was very audible.

"Does this mean he gets a T shirt?" I widened my eyes at what Dustin asked and sunk into my chair out of embarrassment.

"Maybe" Eddie tutted glaring over to Steve, giving a wild look.

"If he doesn't try to steal one" He continued and flapped his binder, making a loud noise and cleared his throat. I felt my cheeks burn and I looked down at his book, glancing at all the notes on it.

"Okay lets continue!!!"

"There is a lot here what the fuck does this all mean?" I pointed to all the notes in the binder and he slapped my hand away so fast.


Eddie snorted and motioned for me to lean in towards him "Do you want to be flayed?"

"I want to understand!" I said out of frustration.

"Hun, just roll the dice for me baby steps" Eddie cooed and handed me two purple diced that had loads of sides, our hands brushed for a moment and I almost buckled right there but then I remembered the kids are here. I grabbed the dice and toss it onto the DND table, pulling my hand back slowly looking around at everyone and eventually looked at Eddie, they were all staring at the dice.

"Is that good?" I squeaked out and nudged Eddie in the side. Eddie glared at me with fearful eyes and then snorted, laughing loudly.

"So yes it is good for us but not for them"

Good for us

I watched as the game continued, trying to keep up on everything Eddie was saying to me but it was honestly, it was too much there might as well be a whole college course on this game. As the game came to an end, everyone packed up their stuff except for Eddie and I looked over to find him staring at me and I quickly looked away, down at my feet.

"Steve?" I heard from beside me and turned to face Eddie.


"Do you want a T shirt?" Eddie leaned back to grab something and handed me a T shirt, holding it up to me.

I tried not to noticeably perk up but I was beaming on the inside and slowly reached out to grab the shirt, holding it to my chest and looked up at him through my eye lashes.

"Thanks Eddie!"

"No problem hun" He remarked. Hun, wow okay I could get used to that. My mind wandered a bit to the pet names he was spewing.

I stood up heading over to grab my stuff off the couch as I needed to take Dustin back to his house and Dustin came over to my side, tugging my sweater.


"I am going to call my mom and ask her if I can go to Will's house because Lucas will be there and-" I cut him off with raising my hand to his mouth out of annoyance because this kid can talk.

"Yes! Just call her now and let me know"

Dustin grabbed his phone out of his backpack and dialed his mothers number, glancing over to me a few times before turning around. I sighed, sitting down on the couch with my stuff waiting and as I could overhear Dustin I caught a glimpse of Eddie, cleaning up everything on the table bending over to pick stuff up, showing off his backside.

"Holy fuck" I whispered realizing it was out loud and then coughed to cover it up glancing around the room.

"Steve she said yes!" Dustin yelled from the door of Eddie's trailer and left with the rest of the kids, I stood up walking to the window to watch them leave and saw Joyce pulling away with the kids and waved to her.

"Ahh peace and quiet" Eddie remarked and I turned around from the window to find him sitting down on his DND chair, bouncing his leg up and down, he looked anxious.

"Seriously, sometimes I just want to strangle them" I said and then gasped running my hand throughout my hair "Im kidding"

"I know you are...but hey! are you doing anything?" Eddie asked, clasping his hands together. My eyes wandered and landed onto his rings that he was fiddling with.

"What do you mean like now?" My eyes darted from his legs that were spread open to his face, he looked in deep thought.

"No why?"

"want to watch a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah sure"

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