Boy, Interrupted (Steddie) Part 6

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I didn't end up sneaking into Steve's room for one reason I wanted to see if he cared enough.

Which is where this moment comes into play, I'm sitting in the common area with Robbie the next day, playing cards when all of a sudden I glance over to see Steve staring at me from the couch with this hint of disappointment in his eyes, he wanted me in his room last night.

"Something wrong newbie?" I asked putting my cards down onto the table and turning to face him. I noticed his face got all red and he adjusted himself on the couch.
"Hey I got gold fish!"
"Yeah I let you win this time" I snarled glancing over at Robin giving her a stank face.

"Nothing is wrong"
"Oh you disappointed the devil didn't pay you a visit last night" I said with a snarky grin, looking around to see everyone's reaction.

"Shut up" Steve firmly said peeling off the couch and pacing away.
"Make a deal with him first" I said under my breath, glancing over to Robin who was shaking her head at me in disappointment.
"Eddie you're a fucking freak!" Robin scoffed.
"That's enough you two" Edna shushed, from where she stood by the hall that led into the common area.

During dinner, Steve kept giving me small glances from across the table and I couldn't help but make funny faces at him every time he looked my way.
He got so flustered every time, it satisfied something in me.

Once it was lights out, I decided to actually pay him a visit. I crept past security and the nurses prowling the halls and creaked Steve's door open slipping myself in and turned around to close it softly.


I froze, hearing him whisper my name sent a chill up my neck.

"Yeah yeah what?" I rasped, turning around gently on my feet to face the room to see Steve sitting on the edge of the bed in just his boxers.

"I wasn't expecting you" Steve whispered and patted the spot next to himself on the bed. "I thought you were playing games"

"I do play those" I teased, sauntering towards the medical bed and sat beside him. "Did you miss me?"

"Really? You've been mean to me since the moment I've got here"

I sighed loudly falling back dramatically onto the bed with a huff. As I stared up at the ceiling, I glanced over to see Steve staring down at me.

"You don't know what mean is babe"
"What?" He whispered, looking flabbergasted.
"What they do to you in here is mean" I admitted, thinking back to the time they forgot about me in the padded room.

"You said join the club? Why did you?" Steve asked, changing the tone completely. I immediately sat up and grabbed Steve by the shoulders giving him a stern look. He looked caught off guard, but remained calm.
"Why ha" I started to say and then looked away, dead panning towards the wall with my hands still on his shoulders. "It doesn't matter why babe"
"Yes it does to me it does" Steve whispered.
"What do you think you're going to fix me?" I taunted, shoving away from him but he grabbed me and pinned me to the bed, adjusting to pin my wrists above my head.
"No, but we could help each other"

I blinked slowly up at him, admiring the way his hair fell around his face as he stared down at me.
"Yeah you think so? You think you could do that for me?"
"I don't know you're pretty insane"
"Don't call an insane person insane"

Steve smirked playfully and rolled his hips that were pinned against mine down, brushing his growing erection onto my thigh.
"You're such a tease" I purred, arching off the bed wiggling in his grasp.
"You're the tease, prowling around here like you own the place"

I gasped as I felt in the heat of the moment, his hand come down to palm at the front of my pajamas.

"Fuck I do own the place" I joked, smiling to myself.
"No you don't" Steve gritted out through his teeth and I hissed as his one hand was still holding my wrists and his other was slipping into my waist ban.

"You're mouthy" I joked earning a grunt from Steve. He grabbed ahold of my cock, giving it a tug and flicking his thumb over the slit.
"I can do more with my mouth" he whispered and I whimpered in response as he leaned down to attach his lips to mine.

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