Guardian (Gender Fluid Eddie Munson X Billy Hargrove) Part 2

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Eddie watched as Billy grabbed his drink off the bar top and scooted over a couple of seats to sit directly parallel. Once sat, he shifted his body towards Eddie. "Well, what would a fine lady like you like to drink?" he said his voice deeper than usual. 

Eddie giggled, feeling the balls of his cheeks heat up. "I would like hmmm" he glanced over towards the bar looking at the various bottles trying to come up with something but unable to make a decision. Billy grunted, laughing under his breath, and put his hand on Eddie's bicep but in doing so, he raised an eyebrow squeezing Eddie's arm playfully. "Damn girl you work out?" 

"Sometimes" Eddie mumbled, fluttering his lashes at Billy. 

The bar tender came over and Billy flagged her down. "Any beer for me and a whiskey sour for the lady" Billy instructed them, shooting over a wink towards Eddie.

Eddie felt heat rush all the way up his neck and down his spine. He knew Billy had charm he remembered to high school where all the ladies were practically drooling all over him. It was like he had a magnet inside of him, he was a force. Billy thanked the bartender and turned his body back towards Eddie. "What brings you out tonight?" 

Eddie caught glimpse of Billy's earring and almost forgot how to speak. "Just needed to be around people and get out of my apartment" 

"Yeah I know the feeling I am trying to get out of this crap town" Billy said with anger. "I just realized, I didn't ask your name I am Billy" 

Eddie swallowed feeling a rush of anxiety surge through his body. "Edina" Eddie whispered, looking away from him. 

The bar tender came in just in time, handing them both their drinks sliding is across the bar top. 

"Do you want to go outside for a smoke?" Billy asked while sipping on his beer, it was blue moon not Eddie's favorite. 

"Sure I don't have any on me though" Eddie admitted while going to grab his drink from the bar top. 

"You're cute" Billy said with a glint of lust in his eye, Eddie could tell he remembered that's how he would look at all the women in school by their lockers. They marched out to the side door of the bar where the smoking area was and as soon as they got outside Eddie instantly, shoved his hands into his pockets hiding himself, as Tommy was out there with his posse. To Eddie's surprise, Tommy didn't notice Billy. 

Eddie leaned up against the side of the bar just under the night light and looked down at his boots when suddenly, a butt of a cigarette was pressing against his lips so he looked up to see Billy feeding him one. "Hold on now babe" Billy grunted out while having his own cigarette in his mouth as he searched around for his lighter. 

Once the lighter was found, Eddie leaned forward looking up at Billy through his lashes to line the tip of his cigarette with Billy's light. Trying to be all dramatic, very cinematic of him. 

"Well Well Munson you look different sort of" A voice said from beside them. 

Billy lit his cigarette after lighting Eddie's and turned around to face this voice. "Tommy?" 

Eddie watched in horror, the shocked look on Billy's face as he exhaled his cigarette towards Tommy. "Munson? Wait, I am confused" Billy laughed out nervously. 

Tommy pushed Billy aside, staggering him off balance and crowded Eddie up against the wall. "Eddie Munson ha this doesn't surprise me" He seethed, glaring down at Eddie surveying him. The posse that followed Tommy in to begin with, circled around. Eddie was trapped, he dropped his cigarette and looked down at his feet biting the inside of his cheek. 

"What do you want Tommy?" Eddie whispered, it came out strained. 

"Billy get back over here come look at this" Tommy boasted, waving for Billy to come over. Eddie looked between the crowd of bodies circling him to see Billy looking in disbelief. 

"Ahh I bet you didn't know this" Tommy shouted, getting nearby peoples attention. 

Eddie wanted to throw up and almost did because Tommy gut punched him, causing him to fold into himself hauled over. "This fucking faggot" Tommy seethed, lifting Eddie back up to standing position and punched him across the face. 

Eddie winced in pain, catching glimpse of Billy looking very confused standing back behind the group crowding him. He knew this wasn't going to change, the high school dynamic I guess some people just hold onto it because they miss that part of themselves. 

Out of nowhere, Tommy was being pulled back by the hair and thrown into the wall next to Eddie. "Leave her the fuck alone!" Billy spat, pressing Tommy's head into the concrete of the building. He turned around, facing the posse while still holding onto Tommy. "Who wants to go next huh? I will fucking kill all of you!" He growled, looking around at them tauntingly. 

"Billy" Eddie whispered and Billy glanced at him, his eyes were blown out. There was no more blue, just black. 

Billy turned away, laughing as Tommy's friends scurried away back into the bar and he lowered himself down to Tommy's ear. "Cut the bullshit Tommy, we all know what you and Harrington used to do" and with that, he shoved Tommy so hard back against the wall, he fell onto the floor. 

"Fucking asshole" Tommy winced out, covering his head with his hands on the floor. 


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