You jump, I jump remember? (Steddie)

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"You jump, I jump" Steve said from beside me in his typical stoic way. We both were on the side of his pool balancing on the edge in our bathing suits , looking down into the water. It was night outside, sounds of the crickets filled the area with the occasional suction of the water filter.

The air was cool, it was summer and the night was beautiful.

"Fine" I answered and counted down to two before cannon balling into the pool. Before I could swim to the top Steve soon cannon balled next to me, once I breached the surface the water was rough splashing rapidly onto my face.

"You almost jumped on me" I said aloud even though he wasn't to the surface of the water yet. I swam to the other side of the pool, diving under to soak my hair again.

"Want to race?" Steve said from behind me. I turned around and swam at him, pretending to be a shark putting my one hand onto my head.

"You look stupid" he commented, raising his eyebrows and when I reached his side, poking him in the hip with my shark "fin" he laughed.


The next time Steve said those words to me was when he rescued me from the Demobats, I charged away from everyone as a distraction for the Demobats and he ran beside me instead of going with everyone.

"STEVE WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" I shouted while being completely out of breath.
"You jump, I jump" Steve shouted back at me.

"You can't be serious Steve, go back with everyone! DUSTIN NEEDS YOU" I shouted running faster and grunted as Steve caught up with me.
"Wait! We can take them down together" Steve protested and he managed to grab ahold of my arm whipping me around so I would look at him.
"Come on let's kill them together"

I could feel my eyes bug out of my head but for some reason, while his hand was on my arm I felt safe, I trusted him.

We both turned cocking our weapons as we saw the Demobats approaching. It took awhile but eventually, as a team we took them out together one by one.

I sulked down propping my back against Steve's arm, dipping my head down in exhaustion. We both sat there on the ground, leaned up against each other with the Demobats carcasses surrounding us as we both tried to regain our breath.

"I told you Eddie" Steve huffed out and he threw his bat off to the side. "I told you we could do it"

I turned around and let out a scoff. "What if we couldn't?"

"We could do anything together" He said and I look forward in thought, realizing he was right.

Another time it was when my uncle died, Uncle Wayne the only family member I've ever known, the person who raised me, who helped me achieve the label the "freak" Munson.

I wouldn't be who I am today without that guy

I now lived alone in the trailer which I wasn't used to and I hadn't left for days after the funeral. People tried to reach me, even my job at the bike shop and matter of fact, even Steve.

I drank the days away

Drinking turned into, hitting up Billy Hargrove every so often for a hit of cocaine and the next thing you know one night I'm standing at the edge of the highest cliff at the quarry with Dustin and Mike screaming behind me.

"EDDIE please!!! Don't do this" Dustin sobbed, sounds of wailing and coughing echoed throughout the quarry.
"Eddie please come over here so we can talk"

"You boys leave I am okay" I shouted while looking down, I felt dizzy seeing how far the ground was from where I was standing.

"Eddie you're clearly not fine" Mike shouted.

I gulped and scooted closer to the edge of the cliff, I felt numb and my whole body was tingly but in a good way.
"You Jump, I Jump" I heard from beside me and I turned to face worried Steve and the sounds of shouting teenagers faded behind us and suddenly the world stopped.

"Eddie I'm going with you if you decide to go I can't let you go alone" he said while looking over the edge quickly and looking back over to me "That's a long way down"
"Whatever you want to do Eddie, I'm going with you"

I quickly glanced one more over the edge and back towards Steve. I couldn't possibly have him come with me and I know he's stubborn, he won't go away.

"I won't jump then your life is too important" I whispered and turned to walk away but Steve grabbed me.

"Look at me, your life is just as important we need you here look at them" Steve said motioning to Mike and Dustin screaming from afar.

"Come home to my house, let me help you"

I sighed lips trembling and Steve stepped closer to me, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Let me help you please?" I nodded, watching as a tear rolling down his cheek.

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