You're my guitar teacher? (Eddie Munson X Female) Part 2

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It was like the whole world stopped except for this tiny guitar lesson room as Eddie shredded out your favorite song so well, both of you started singing together, just having pure fun.

"Oh my god Y/N that was amazing you have a wonderful voice" Eddie enthused, resting his body on the body of the guitar watching you with admiration.
"Are you kidding me? You did great!" You enthused back, beaming with excitement.

There was a brief moment in the awkwardness where your leg brushed his from where he sat in front of you and you could feel the tops of your cheeks start to heat up.

"Do you wanna learn something that will take you to the next level?" Eddie questioned excitedly. You nodded and he placed his guitar on the stand next to his chair and stood up opening the door to the practice room peering out of it then closing it back up. You widened your eyes looking out ahead of you as you heard the door lock click.

Your body tensed as you could feel a presence from behind yourself, hovering behind your shoulders.
"Pick up your guitar and hold it in position" Eddie instructed and you did as you were told. Laying your guitar across your tights with one hand on the fret board one hand on the strings.

You shivered tensing up and you felt Eddie's long hair touch the crook of your neck.
"Play a scale for me" he whispered.

You started to pluck a scale gasping suddenly as you felt a strong hand snake around your hips, dipping into the waistband of your pants. This motion caused you to stop playing earning a deep chuckle from behind your chair.
"Did I say stop?" Eddie warned giving your hair a light tug playfully.
"Eddie.." you whispered.
"From the top!" Eddie instructed with a wicked grin. He was squatted down behind your chair, hand still grazing the top of your waistband. You began playing and felt uneasy in a good way, as two fingers pressed against your clothed cunt and you knew you were soaked.
"Mmm" Eddie groaned, applying more pressure at your folds over your panties.
"Fuck" You hissed inhaling sharply while playing the scales you knew because you were afraid to stop. You felt challenged big time, trying not to lose it but also trying to focus on playing.
"That's it good girl" Eddie cooed.
"Eddie I can't" You whimpered
"You can baby keep going" You sighed loudly followed by a moan escaping your lips surprising you as Eddie's fingers touched your bare folds, massaging the slick around them.
"So so good" Eddie groaned from behind you causing goosebumps to trail up your neck and down your arms.

Eddie went easy for a couple seconds before rubbing fast at your folds causing you to throw your head back, making the guitar fall onto the ground.

"Eddie I can't it's too much" you babbled looking over your shoulder at him, watching intently.
"Are you gonna cum for me baby?" Eddie whispered and lapped his fingers around your clit. You looked down, watching unashamed at the veins popping out in the arm that was pleasuring you.
"I I am so close" you said nodding and started humping his hand.
"Say please" Eddie sternly said halting his motions causing you to throw your head forward whining out of frustration.
"Please Eddie"
Eddie from behind kissed the tops of your shoulders still halting his movement.
"PLEASE Eddie I am begging you I want it"

Suddenly he started up again, kneeling back down behind your chair and using his free hand to reach up to caress your breast, scavenging his hand for the nipple.

You began humping the chair again and could feel the band in your stomach start to break. You threw your head back whimpering and gasping, like a cat in heat as you felt yourself coming to your climax.

"Cum for me baby" Eddie whispered from behind you and you lost it, legs trembling and you came looking up at the ceiling of the lesson room.

"Y/N holy fuck baby" Eddie said in disbelief, rubbing you through your orgasm. You came down from your high, feeling nothing but fuzzy as you sunk down in the chair.

"Well we went alittle over time" Eddie said from behind you and you spun around to see him all disheveled and sucking on his two fingers.
"Oh my god" you gawked at him.
"Do you want more lessons?" Eddie questioned looking rather awkward as he played with his hair.
"Are you for real?"
Eddie looked to you with a confused look on his face.
"Next lesson can it be at your place?" You asked.

Eddie practically bounced off the walls and he lunged forward grabbing your face looking at me like he was going to give me some wise words.
"You know that was a lesson about multi tasking if you wanna be a rock star you know slash then you gotta be sharp"

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