Boy, Interuppted (Steddie) Part 2

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Steve's POV

I walked up to a big brick building with belongings in hand. It had security cameras along the outside and the windows were barred up. It looked like a prison but supposedly, this place knew how to help me with my "failed suicide attempt"

My eyes caught glimpse of someone staring at me from the far window so I quickly looked away.

"Honey look at me and your mother" My father said from beside me using a stern voice. I turned around to be met with my father and mother looking at me like I'm bat shit crazy.

"We will visit you in a couple months we love you" My mother breathed out as I could tell she was trying to hold back tears.

"Okay" I flatly said and my father scoffed, walking towards the car. Sorry I can't be cheery you're literally sending me away.

"Take care son" My mother said as she reached a hand out to push some of my hair behind my ear. I watched as my mother walked away, feeling gut wrenched but I wasn't going to show it.

Suddenly, two workers dressed in all white came outside grabbed my hauling me inside. I looked briefly over my shoulder as I was dragged in watching as my parents care drove away.


Eddie's POV

I watched from the window as the newbie got dragged inside this hell hole clown house. Wonder what he was in for? He didn't seem like the type to be looney he looked too established or no, proper? He seemed like the type to maybe cut his wrist once and his parent found out and now he's here.

"Eddie can you paint my nails?" Robin whined from behind me as she was sitting on her bed.
"Paint your own damn nails" I quipped shutting the blinds, earning a groan from Robin. I walked to her bed sitting down on the edge of it.
"I want to paint my toes but I can't paint my toes every time I try it gets all over please Eddie what do I have to do?"
"Try eating" I flatly said with a wicked grin.
"Not funny" Robin scoffed.
"What color?" I gave in, causing her to hum in satisfaction.
"You know they're going to find that chicken under your bed because it's going to rot" I commented reaching for the bin of nail polish next to her.
"I - Eddie how do you know about that?" Robin said with concern.
"It smells Robin" I stated coldly and showed her a pretty teal color, offering that as a color to paint her toes.
"I like that color" Robin said quietly.
"I know you do" I stated confidently, observing that her favorite color was blue as she had pops of it everywhere in her room and on her.

"Eddie! Get out here now!" A nurse guard shouted from the door frame and I jumped up prancing around Robins to the door frame to see what she wanted. I smiled shark like, seeing Billy standing next to the guard with his hands behind his back.

"Eddie, Billy came to me told me you were the one to write all over his walls" The guard said motioning to Billy beside her.
"And why would I do that?" I asked in a condescending tone.
"I don't know Eddie but Billy doesn't have a history of writing on the walls you do"
"Hmmm okay" I said flatly.
"Now apologize to Billy and come with me, we're going to get you cleaning supplies to scrub his walls!"
I looked between the Guard and Billy, chewing on the inside of my lip.
"What if I don't want to" I suggested calmly.
"Eddie!" The guard shouted.
"Billy I am sorry" I said flatly and smirked to myself earning a warning look from the guard "I am sorry I wrote on your walls"
"It's okay Eddie thank you-"
"I am sorry you're a little bitch" I intercepted, earning a gasp from the Guard and a punch to the eye from Billy.

A fight instantly broke out, I lunged at Billy causing us to topple over onto the cold floor.

"Enough you two!" The guard shouted and blew her whistle causing everyone to come out of their rooms plus multiple guards to run down the hall.


Steve's POV

I heard a whistle and stopped mid sentence to see a flustered expression spread across the wardens face.

"Will you excuse me Steven? I have to go break up whatever is happening in the hall" The warden, head hancho of this place dismissed herself from her desk running to the door.

As she opened the door immediately commotion sounded with people screaming so I got up to investigate. I got to the door frame peeking down the hall and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"You're such a pussy Hargrove you're going to stay in here forever" A man with long frizzy hair shouted as he was being carried away by two guards toward my direction. My hitched as I watched him get closer and we locked eyes, I watched as a smirk crept onto his face as he didn't look away.

"You're next sunshine" the man said to me as he passed by in a chilling threatening voice. The two guards immediately yanked him upward so he wasn't able to walk.
"Enough Munson you're going to time out"

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