Time Flies (Steddie) Part 2

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After our Chinese, Eddie decided to put on a classic.
Our favorite that we used to watch when we were kids.
The Gremlins, I'd always call him Gizmo after and he would say I'm the ugly green one with the white Mohawk. I think his name was Stripe.

Still wondering why he got to be the cute gremlin and I'm the ugly one? but that's okay.

I looked over towards the other end of the couch, to see he was out cold. I knew he wasn't going to last through the whole movie he had the long drive plus, he smoked.

I got up off the couch grabbing the blanket off the back of it and tucked it around him and I leaned down, pressing my lips to his forehead. He mumbled something gibberish, causing me to laugh.

"Goodnight, Eds" I whispered and walked to my room, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

When I laid in bed, I thought about my brother and how different he looked from the last time I saw him. Not in a bad way, he just changed. He was less athletic dressed and more, Grungy? Goth? I don't know.

It didn't look bad on him. He spoke earlier about how he's in a band and that they all met in college. Maybe that has something to do with the sudden appearance change? He still rocked the long hair but it was much, messier.

He looked good, in this new get up. My mind wandered, it thought about the rings on all his fingers. That's new. It would probably hurt if he punched someone.

"Stevie! I want to go to the park" Eddie whined from the couch.

I sighed excusing myself from Nancy to give my full attention to Eddie. We were all hanging out in the trailer. Wayne was gone for the weekend so I invited Nancy my girlfriend over which Eddie wasn't too keen on that idea.

"Eddie you know you could ride your bike there" I explained, stopping by the couch to looking down at him with a hand on my hip.
"I know but I like going with you" he explained, shooting a dagger towards Nancy.

"I can't you know I have company" I whispered, tilting my head towards Nancy giving him a warning look. "Eddie come on, why don't you play outside?"
"It's too hot! Can you take me to the pool?"

"No" I said firmly and he gawked at me, folding his arms across his chest.

I could feel a tantrum coming on and I looked behind to see Nancy smiling at me, in an understanding way. Like she felt bad.

"You never hang out with me anymore" he whined, giving me a look.
"You're almost 18 and going to graduate" I flatly stated. "You need to make friends"

"You need to fuck off" he spat, angrily and before he could stomp away I grabbed his arm. He looked wild, turning to face me with an angry expression.

"Enough I am taking you to get your driver's License also, don't speak to me like that"

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