Play Boy Dime Bag (Mungrove) Part 1

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⚠️ Filth/No Plot/Drugs/Smut⚠️

"Really Munson? Playboy" Billy complained, eyeing the playboy dime bag of weed but also looking wildly over at Eddie as he dangled the bag out in front of him.

"What's wrong with playboy?" Eddie defended glancing down at the bag while, cocking his eyebrow. Bunnies? Hot women? he was baffled. Truly.
"It's just so you" Billy teased, giving a sly smirk as he tucked the dime bag into the back of his Levi jeans back pocket.
"what's so me Hargrove?" Eddie questioned feeling taken back, what was he getting at?
"You're just.." Billy cut himself off and looking away into the woods.

Eddie sighed rolling his eyes while holding his hands out in front of his body to crack his knuckles. The sounds of nature and metal clanking because of his rings filled the space.

"So listen we good here?" Eddie said flatly, being dismissive and glancing over to Billy from across the Picnic table.
"You're just so you Eddie" Billy continued ignoring Eddie completely, glancing his direction in a fond way.
"Listen Billy, I'm not the therapy sesh in the woods guy I'm the selling sesh in the woods guy so" Eddie explained, using his hands as he spoke waving them around.

Eddie couldn't even fathom what happened next, it didn't compute in his brain. Billy reached across the table, moving Eddie's lunch box filled with drugs out of the way and planted a kiss onto his lips.

"Sorry" Billy whispered ashamed of himself, yanking his face away. Eddie's eyes were biggest they've ever been, and he watched as Billy tried to leave the Picnic table walking towards some trees with his hands in his back pockets.

Eddie grabbed ahold of Billy by the hips and pinned him against a tree. "Wait" he breathed out, searching for any signs of rejection before continuing.

Blue eyes looked up at him through long eyelashes, blinking slowly. "I wish I could be more myself like you" Billy whispered while going to bite on his lip.

Eddie couldn't help it, Billy was attractive always has been. His eyes lingered and it was instinctive, he was a moth drawn to the light. So he lunged forward, causing Billy to whimper and closed the gap between them, breathing heavily once their lips touched. Billy wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck and breathed out against his lips as he felt a knee press against his confined cock, that was behind his tight jeans.

"Wait" Billy mumbled against Eddie's lips, pressing his hands onto his chest to push him away. He was breathing heavily, catching scents of cigarettes and leather.

Eddie pulled away, looking concerned like he did something wrong.

"What? Do I do something wrong?" He asked, eyes wide with concern.

"What if someone catches us? There could be hikers or something it's a nice day" Billy explained taking his bottom lip between his teeth, he then stood there awkwardly looking around. Eddie laughed in response, crowding back towards Billy.

"Isn't that the thrill? Adds to the experience baby" Eddie purred as he crowded back into Billy's space. He took his hand and tucked some of Billy's mullet behind his ear, smirking to himself as he could feel the boy shiver.

Billy gasped as Eddie's hand came down to grope at his growing erection, rubbing it through his jeans. He fluttered his eyes, breathing unsteady as he looked up at Eddie through his lashes, leaning into his touch.

Eddie leaned down to Billy's ear, kissing behind the shell of it.

"What do you want?" Eddie whispered against his skin.
"Yeah please- I" Billy choked out, looking down between them to see Eddie's hand on the button of his jeans trying to pry it open.
"Use that pretty mouth of yours" Eddie rasped.
Billy's mouth fell open, he gawked at Eddie feeling arousal surge through his body.
"I want you to touch me" Billy stated and hissed as a hand on was in his briefs and on his cock instantly.

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