If thats what Satan looks like well damn me to hell then (Steddie)

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⚠️Smut/Dirty talk/Biblical language/Atheism⚠️

Summary: Steve is a devote Christian as was raised that way. When he sins, he prays and it makes him feel better about himself, works like a charm every time. He goes to his community church every Sunday and confessional when he needs too. One night while praying over some stupid wet dream he had, he gets paid a visit by Satan himself in the flesh.

Steve looked up from his Bible to straight ahead of him to the wall. He was kneeling off to the side of his bed, elbows propped up on the comforter with hands clasped together with a beautiful white and silver rosary tucked between his milky white fingers.

He felt filthy and, wanted to stay true to his faith. He did not want to disobey the lord. He felt as if his mind was corrupted, having that weird dream about the hot priest again. He wondered how many more confessionals he would have to attend to make those sinner thoughts go away.

"Dear Lord I am sorry for the dream I had tonight I hope you will forgive me as I am trying to rid myself of these thoughts I went to confessional yesterday after church, I spoke to Father Ryan again" Steve spoke into his hands that held his rosary he paused for a second adjusting his position on the bed and then continued.

"Father Ryan forgave me, he told me to give it time and these impure thoughts will soon subside"

Steve then crossed his heart when he was done to close out the prayer "in the name of the father and son Holy Spirit-" he gasped suddenly turning around as he could feel a presence next to him and heard a deep voice whisper in his ear.

"Amen" The voice growled then went silent with the presence also leaving his side.

Steve quickly got up off the floor grabbing his Bible clutching it to his chest. "Hello?" He whispered, holding out his rosary right in front of him. He thought he was alone.

He stood there, waiting for whatever that was to reveal itself. Was it God? He questioned, feeling flabbergasted was he going insane? Someone was just at his side whispering in his ear.


Suddenly as he stood there,  a white and shiny orb started to form above his bed. He shielded his eyes, as the orb became brighter so bright that it was blinding. Through squinted eyes, he watched in awe. Was he here? Steve thought and felt himself start to tear up as it was insanely bright.

"God?" He whispered.

"Haha wow it's always God this and God that!" A deep voice echoed from behind him and he turned around so quick gasping as the room went pitch dark as the orb disappeared and the lights went out.

"Who's there!" Steve shouted feeling his own legs tremble from underneath, he clutched his Bible so hard that his hand was starting to become sore.

"Always asking for my brother but what about me?" The voice said in a sinister tone, sending a chill down Steve's spine.

"Who are you! How did you get in my house?" Steve said frantically looking around the room for the light switch. He came across it eventually, stumbling over himself and flicked it on. He froze as when the light came on he saw a pale man in a ripped black leather coat was sitting on the edge of his bed looking at him with eyes that were glowing.

Steve gulped quite loudly, this wasn't God he didn't know who this was sitting on his bed. Frightened, holding his rosary out in front of him. "In the name of the father" he whispered and paused as the rosary in his hand levitated out of his grasp and slammed into the nearest wall with the cross stabbing into the wall. He glanced from the rosary to the man multiple times in disbelief.

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