Guardian (Gender Fluid Eddie Munson X Billy Hargrove) Part 3

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Eddie watched from afar Tommy trembling on the floor with blood on his hands in horror he took a couple of steps away to go back into the bar but felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait come here"

Eddie turned around to be met with glossy blue eyes. Taking in Billy's appearance, he looked disheveled, his jaw was tightened.
"Is it true? You're Eddie? Drug Dealer Eddie?" He asked and raised his eyebrows.

Eddie nodded taking his bottom lip in between his teeth looking up through his lashes. "Is that okay?"

Billy sighed and gripped Eddie by the underside of his bicep, tugging on him. "Of course, that's okay Eddie I'm just shocked, you look really good like this" Billy rasped, tugging at the bottom of Eddie's tank top playfully.

They both jumped as they heard Tommy groaning from behind them. "We should go" Eddie whispered and Billy led them through the bar, closing out any tabs they had, and walked to his Famous Blue Camaro. Eddie could feel butterflies building in his stomach.

He slid into the Passenger seat and adjusted himself to look around the car, it was very Billy with CDS all over the place and it reeked of cedar with cigarettes.

"Fuck him man" Billy hissed as he got into the car, startling Eddie.
"They're gonna say I started the fight" he argued and let out a dramatic sigh. Eddie's heart pinged, he didn't want Billy to get into trouble.

Billy started the car and Eddie felt excitement down in his core as he placed his hand behind his seat rest to back up the car, getting close to his space.

"It was worth it though" Billy whispered and Eddie looked over at him in shock.
"No, you didn't have-" Eddie started to say but was cut off.
Billy abruptly pumped the breaks causing them to jolt forward slightly while having his hand on Eddie's seat rest and leaning into his space.
"I didn't want you to get hurt love" He whispered, winking at Eddie.

Eddie shivered and caught a glimpse of Billy smirking like a cat as he looked back at the road.

The drive to Billy's apartment was well, interesting they spoke about their jobs and bonded on the fact that they both loved the beach.

"We should go to the beach sometime" Billy raved as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex. Eddie's cheeks grew hot there's going to be another time? they haven't even had sex yet.

"Damn last time I've been to the beach was jones beach with Corroded Coffin when we toured for a bit after high school," Eddie said, looking fondly back on the memory. Once the car turned off, Billy turned to face Eddie in the drivers seat.

"Are you sure you want to come in?" He asked looking nervous.

"Yes I would've backed out in the beginning of the ride"

"Well, I was just trying to be nice" Billy shyly said, scratching the back of his neck. Eddie breathed in as he saw Billy leaned in over the center console. "You're pretty" Billy breathed out and closed the gap between them, moaning into Eddie's mouth as soon as their lips touched.

Billy growled as the kiss intensified and Eddie whimpered, feeling hands come up to cup his jaw.

"Billy" Eddie whimpered in-between breaths. "Upstairs" he breathed again.

Billy broke the kiss and stared at Eddie with his hands still cupping his face. "Yes lets go baby"

What happened next Eddie couldn't believe, he was being pushed up against the door to Billy's apartment with a hand groping his cock. "Can I touch you?" Billy rasped, rubbing Eddie's strained cock through the fabric. "Let me make you feel good baby" he whispered against Eddie's ear, kissing down his neck.

"Wait wait" Eddie protested, even though he did want this to continue he wanted to make sure of something. "I- I want to make sure you want this" he whispered and Billy scoffed, in a playful way looking wildly at Eddie grabbing ahold of his wrists and pinning them high above his head. He then slowly leaned down just hovering, ghosting over his lips.

"Why wouldn't I want this? Pretty thing like you and shit, I swing both ways baby I love this" Billy boasted, eyeing Eddie like he was a piece of meat and he was a tiger. Eddie whimpered, arching his back off the door. "Can I?" Billy asked, motioning downward between them and letting go of Eddie's hands.

Eddie nodded eagerly, whimpering reaching down between them to unbutton his jeans. Once he reveled his panties to Billy, there was a moment of silence before Billy growled, feverishly reaching his hands inside of the panties that barely covered much and grabbed ahold of Eddie's leaking cock. "Fuck me" Billy panted.

"You're a tease wearing these fuck" He hissed and began pumping, stroking his finger over the tip spreading the slick around. Eddie moaned loudly, trembling his legs as Billy wrapped around him.

"You wore shit like this in school?" Billy asked, breathing heavily while pumping Eddie while his free hand propped himself up next to Eddie's head against the door. Eddie moaned, feeling the balls of his cheeks heat up. "Yes" he whispered.

"What color?" Billy breathed.

"all different ones" Eddie admitted, fluttering his eyes at Billy.

Billy groaned and licked his lips across his teeth dramatically. "I like these ones would you let me buy you some?" He felt like a animal, being locked up in a cage for so long.

"Yes Daddy" Eddie said and quickly tried to cover his mouth but Billy stopped him.

"Daddy huh?" Billy wondered playfully, giving Eddie a wicked look. "Tell Daddy how badly you want to come?"

"Badly please"

"Please what!" Billy shouted, pumping Eddie faster as he could feel him coming close.

"Please Daddy!"

Eddie rolled his eyes back and arched his back off the door as he came, trembling in Billy's hold. "Billy! Fuck" he hissed, feeling his head become fuzzy. "That was so good"

"Yeah?" Billy rasped and grabbed ahold of Eddie's hair, yanking him down onto his knees. Eddie moaned loudly, seeing Billy undo his pants and pull out his cock giving it a few pumps.

"Do you want this baby?" Billy asked while stroking himself. Eddie nodded scooting forward and grabbing ahold of Billy's calves. "ask nicely"

"Please Billy"

"Wrong" Billy teased giving Eddie's hair a tiny yank causing him to hiss.
"Please Daddy! I want it so badly" Eddie admitted licking at his lips as he stared at the tip see the pre cum dribbled out of it. Billy nodded, soothing the back of Eddie's head and slowly guided his cock in.

"mmm that's it" Billy moaned looking down at the sight, Eddie just gripping at Billy's legs harder. He slowly inched his way onto Billy's cock, swirling his tongue around it. After a few moments he pulled off to lick a long stripe from the bottom to the tip, making sure to look up at Billy in the process.

"Such a tease" Billy whispered locking eyes with Eddie and Eddie hummed, closing his eyes around Billy's cock bobbing his head in a steady motion. He reached around grope at Billy's balls causing the man to jolt a little.

"Fuck that's it baby good girl" Billy rasped and grunted throwing his head back out of pleasure. Sounds of wetness and sex filled the empty apartment and Eddie, could feel it was getting close and he whimpered, feeling himself fill out again in the panties.

"I'm going to come" Billy choked out and ran a hand through Eddie's hair softly. "Do you want me to pull out?" He croaked and Eddie whined, shaking his head in a quick motion and both of them in unison moaned together as Billy came hot down his throat, trembling his legs in doing so.

"Fuck!" Billy shouted and Eddie pulled out with a wet popping noise. "Eddie?" He questioned.

Eddie turned to look up at Billy blinking owl like that him. "Yes?"

"I didn't mean to say good girl" Billy breathed out surveying Eddie's face for any sign of discomfort.

"I liked it" He quipped with a smile.

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