You're my guitar teacher? (Eddie Munson X Female) Part 1

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⚠️ Praise Kink/Dry Humping⚠️

Summary: You sign up for Guitar lessons and your teacher is Eddie Munson. Yup.

Reader POV:

You waited patiently near the electric guitars with your acoustic in hand, eyeing them puppies up and down, hoping one day you'll be able to do a slash solo on one of them while sliding across the floor on your knees.

A girl can dream right? Baby steps.

Your head perked up as your voice was being called from afar and for who you saw calling your name, you wanted to gasp loudly but you gasped internally, gripping your guitar bag handle harder and walking towards him trying to remain calm. He was beautiful something out of a 70s Glam band magazine.

"You must be Y/N?" He asked all chippy, rocking back on his heels extending a hand out towards you.

You nodded unable to respond feeling like you had a frog in your throat and then being delayed extended your hand to shake his. He took your hand and shook it firmly, looking up towards you and kept ahold of your hand causing you feel a flutter in your stomach.

"Don't worry! No need to be shy babe, I'm Eddie" He reassured while still holding onto your hand and then slowly let go running a hand throughout his long curly hair while clearing his throat.

"Let's go to the back let's see what you're working with hmm?" Eddie instructed motioning for you to follow him, you followed behind him and your eyes danced along his exposed tattooed arms from his vest that displayed various different bands on them.

Eddie lead you to a small room that had a guitar in the corner with two chairs across from each other.

"After you" Eddie said from the doorway motioning for you to go in and you walked into the room, setting your guitar bag on the floor next to you.

"So how long have you been playing?" Eddie asked and you looked up to see he closed the door and suddenly, your palms were sweaty knees weak mom's spaghetti.

"I self taught so probably 5 months now" You said nervously, leaning over to unzip your guitar bag.
"Do you know any songs off the rip?" Eddie eagerly asked and sat down in front of you letting out a grunt, placing his hands on-top of both of his knees. "I want to see where you're at but it's okay if you don't know a song off the fly" Eddie reassured looking at you with big brown puppy eyes.

Your eyes looked away and landed on his hands that were tapping along his knees, each finger had a different silver ring.

"What if I played you smoke on the water?" You teased feeling a spurt of confidence as Eddie's energy made you feel comfortable.
"Oh my god it would be an honor" Eddie said condescendingly looking at you with an amused look.

You grabbed your guitar out of your bag placing it on your lap and froze up thinking you did something wrong as Eddie let out a whistle.
"She's pretty" he said breathlessly looking at the Acoustic on your lap like it was a piece of meat.
"Thanks it was a gift to myself" You said shyly looking away and then placed your hand on the strings in a C formation barring the first 3 strings gearing up to play The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel.

"Oh?" Eddie said intrigued raising his eyebrows. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms across his chest staring at you.

You began playing and you quietly sang the song as you played looking down at your hands on the neck.
Each chord rang out with the occasional mess up, you looked up once to see Eddie staring at you with an unreadable expression.

You didn't wanna finish singing all the lie la lies as you felt extremely awkward, feeling his eyes burn into you so you sang it once strumming it once so it reverberated out.

You then straightened up adjusting in your chair and looked up to see Eddie smirking at you with intensity in his stare.

"Wow that was wow uhm you have a beautiful voice dear" Eddie said in awe, reaching his hands back above his head to stretch. He rested his hands onto his neck to expose his under arm tattoos to you.

"That was great! Your chord transitions were good very good stuff Y/N" He commented cheerfully and then slapped both his hands down onto the tops of his knees causing you to flinch.

You watched as his hands cupped the balls of his knees, eyeing the outline of his veins that were popping out.

"Can you play something?" You asked nervously looking up from his hands to his face.
"Sure can do have anything specific you wanna hear or want me to just go?" Eddie asked while reaching over to grab his acoustic guitar off the stand placing it onto his knee.

"What's your favorite song?" He asked looking intrigued towards you.
"Hmm that's a hard one I'm going to have to go with F/S"
"Oh yeah okay got you" Eddie quipped with confidence pouring out of him and he began to play.

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