Devil Horns (Steddie) Part 4

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"Ermm yeah?"

I watched as Eddie studied me, sitting back and glancing at me like I was a test subject. He broke the ice by sitting up on the couch by his knees, towering over me.

"Steve can I ask you something?"

My stomach did a flip and I wanted to run but I stayed planted on the couch, I responded by nodding eagerly in his direction.

"Did you mean this?" Eddie asked, his voice teased and he leaned up placing each finger on either side of his temples, giving me the devil horns. I watched as he made a stupid goofball face, sticking his tongue out at me.

My cheeks felt flush and I looked away quickly, hiding my face into my hands.
"What's wrong Steve?" He asked with so much concern, he grabbed my arm and, I turned to him feeling overwhelmed. Eddie let out a laugh, feeling confused with this whole ordeal.
"I can't tell you" I croaked looking anywhere but at Eddie.
"Why not? Who am I to judge?" Eddie reassured, sitting back down on the couch and spreading his legs out.

We both sat in awkward in silence and, as time passed, Eddie started to hum, bouncing his one of his legs up and down in anticipation.
"Steve" Eddie snapped.
"Do I have to say it for you?"

I could feel my eyes bulging out of my head as I looked at him, Eddie stared back at me with a knowing look.
The balls of my cheeks burned red and I covered my mouth and gasped as Eddie reached forward, ripping my hand away.
"Use your words, big boy"
I stood up, pacing in front of Eddie debating if I should just run away but I stopped, looking down at Eddie who was sitting there with amusement spread across his face.
"I like you" I whispered.

Im in love with you is for another day

Eddie laughed lowly in his throat, he clapped his hands together making a mockery of me.
"Well well well was that so hard princess?"
"But how did you know?"
"Steve I'm not stupid, every time I'm around you're giggling and kicking your feet" Eddie said with a snarky tone, looking at his chipped nail polish pretending to not be phased.
Eddie snorted, standing up to walk towards me stopping just in front. I sharply inhaled as he got here, getting a beautiful whiff of musky cherry, cigarettes and leather. Drinking in every scent and feature, feeling like a helpless deer pinned by a mountain lion.

"Does this change anything?" I whispered, glancing down from Eddie's doe eyes to his lips, seeing him wet them.
"Doesn't have too" he whispered, I tensed as I felt his hand with his cold rings creep up the front of my shirt.
"I wanna make you do more than giggle and kick your feet baby" Eddie whispered seductively, grazing his hands over my stomach making me jolt.
"You make me do more than that Eddie" I admitted, it came out desperate like a cry but then I watched as his eyes widened as I crashed my lips onto his.

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