I can pretend (Eddie Munson X Female)

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⚠️ Stripper/lap dance/dirty talk/emotional manipulation⚠️

Summary: Eddie Munson is lonely so he decides to go to a strip club and you take care of him.


You sat there beside the punk rocker, taking it all in listening to this poor man's sob story just like you did with every man, when they bought a private room with you. As he spoke, he used his hands, the glisten of his rings caught your eye every time under the lights of the club.

As he kept going on and on, you zoned out wondering what his name possibly could be? Michael? Tony? Your eyes scanned his facial features, he had big brown eyes that were covered in smeared eye liner and long auburn/brown wavy hair.

He looked like axel rose, should that be his name? Axel?

"Are you listening? How could she do this to me?" The man sobbed from beside you knocking you out of your thoughts. You smirked to yourself, oh poor baby.
"do what baby?" You seduced, climbing onto Axels lap.
"She cheated on me, I don't get it and the worst part of it all.. she meant for me to see it" he choked out, putting his head into his hands.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry you don't deserve that" you stated, knowing just what to say it came out of you like you were on auto pilot.

Axel looked up from below you, his eyes watery and sniffled. "Wait really?" Oh, he was so upset it was cute.
"Yeah baby look at you.. you're a catch" you remarked, shifting slightly in his lap to straddle him, nuzzling each leg on either side of his thigh and started petting his hair.
"You really think so? Majority of people think I'm well weird" he said sadly, his hands came up to rest on the shelf of your ass, resting there. You leaned down, placing either hand on his shoulders, feeling how broad they were, the leather was cold underneath.
"What's your name baby?"
He cleared his throat, looking down as if he was ashamed. "Eddie" he whispered. You laughed under your breath and slowly started circling your hips down onto his groin causing him to gasp and lock eyes with you.
"Eddie Eddie" you sang out, running a hand throughout his hair. He leaned into the touch, letting out a tiny whimper.

Majority of men that came through these private rooms, wanted one or two things either to chat, telling you their deepest secrets or to fix you while wanting a dance. Sometimes it was a combination of both, but you knew how to work them. Keep them in there longer, spending more.

"Did you love her?" You asked as you shimmed off your top, exposing your breasts to Eddie. You could tell he was nervous, probably his first time doing something like this.
"You don't have to answer-"
"I do love her" he cut you off to say, you both locked eyes and a Cheshire smirk formed onto your face as you felt amused, as he watched you lifted your hands off his shoulders and ran them down his exposed arms, raking your eyes over his vest that had a lot of band patches on it.
"So you like music? I can see" you blurted out, trying to change the subject but clearly, his mind was preoccupied.
Eddie cleared his throat and ran his hands from your ass to your breasts, hovering over them looking up to you for approval.
"Ha polite, she's missing out" You remarked under your breath and let out a fake gasp as you took Eddie's hands, covered in rings and placed them onto your breasts.
"Yeah she is, I loved her so much" Eddie whispered, unable to look away from your breasts. His hand stayed motionless, as if he was waiting for the next instruction.
"You can play with them you know.." you said smirking playfully, bouncing lightly in his lap causing the man to let out a moan.
"We've been together since highschool" Eddie admitted and you hissed as he toyed with one of your nipples, feeling the cold of his metal rings against the flesh. He scooped your other breast in his other hand, lightly massaging it.
"Can you pretend to be her right now? You both look similar and" Eddie trailed off causing you to look down at him, bewildered. A lot of people picked you for different reasons, you looked like an ex, a co worker you name it.
"Excuse me? Roleplaying will cost honey"
"I don't care" Eddie said coldly, grabbing both your breasts and massaging them aggressively.
"What do you want me to do?" You asked, bouncing gently in his lap. Eddie cleared his throat and let out a shaky breath, your eyes widened as he looked nervous.

"Her name was Chrissy, let me just say what I have to say"
"Honey, are you using me as closure?" You asked and yelped as suddenly, he was marriage carrying you looking down at you, his eyes look intense. You felt scared as he was tall, feeling like you were about to fall in his hold. This was definitely a first to ever happen in here you thought.
"Christina" He stated, clearing his throat.
You swallowed hard, feeling suddenly sadden for the guy, he looked heartbroken with a ton of pent up emotions.
"Christina, I love you so much and, I don't know what you see in that Hargrove guy" you squeaked as he adjusted you in his arms, causing you to wrap an arm around his neck and you looked at his side profile, watching his expression change into anger "He is a poser and he doesn't even like the same music as us plus, he's a junkie I would know I sell to him still and he drives down through town all the time blaring that shitty glam pop he doesn't even like metal, baby"
"It's okay Eddie, keep going get it out"
"I know parts of you cares, the other night I saw you at my show, Gareth pointed you out but you were on Billy's arm" he said through gritted teeth "I loved you! everything about you and, that stupid goofy smile" he sobbed out, placing you onto the bench gently and walking to the other side of the room.
"Eddie- uhm I think your time is up, I'm really sorry you're getting all worked up" you sat up quickly as things escalated, trying to collect yourself. What the fuck is happening you thought and froze, as you felt a pair of lips press against yours.

Now, that was clearly spoke about. No kissing the dancers but apart of you felt so sad for Eddie, you allowed it.
"Eddie.." you whispered against his lips, gasping into his mouth. He groaned, placing one of his hands gently onto your throat before ripping away from you feverishly, staring at you from feet ahead clearly embarrassed.
"I'm sorry" he whispered, you watched as he quickly started rummaging through his back pocket.
"Eddie.. it's okay" you reassured, slowly gathering yourself. It was always hot in the private rooms but not this hot you thought. You watched as Eddie walked towards the door of the private room, holding onto the handle but looking over to you.
"Good Bye" Eddie said, slapping a 300 dollar bill plus a 100 dollar tip onto the table off to the side. He left immediately after, leaving you alone inside the room to process all of what just happened.

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