Devil Horns (Steddie) Part 3

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As I settled on the couch, my eyes locked onto Eddie's body moving around the living room in front of me as he was trying to find the remote. My gaze fell onto his bottom half, staring at his handkerchief that hung out of his back pocket as it swung back and forth.

"Ah ha!" He exclaimed with remote in hand, my breath hitched as he settled in next to me. Inhaling his musky scent and cigarettes, I couldn't help but bite back a moan as our knees brushed.

"You okay over there Stevie?" Eddie asked, clicking on the TV and pressing play on the movie.
"What movie is this again?"
"The Shining" he said with a flat tone. I wondered if I've ever seen the shining but was pulled out of that thought when I saw Eddie staring at me, with a predator look on his face.

I gasped as Eddie suddenly lunged at me, tickling at my sides causing me to bend inward towards him.
"Here comes Johnny!" He growled teasingly.
"Stop!! Ahhh that tickles"

Eddie pulled back half laugh half panting and leaned back against the couch but glancing over to me, his hair falling into his face almost majestically.

"You ready?" He boasted, pinching at my side causing me to yelp.

Eddie pressed play while chuckling to himself, as he settled in he spread his legs and held one hand up behind his head. My eyes wandered up and down his tattoos as he had his tank top and vest on, exposing his arms.

As I stared, I felt my jeans get tighter and I readjusted myself on the couch.
"You alright there Steve?" Eddie asked
"Yeah I'm fine"

Eddie nodded looking away and going back to his resting position, eventually I broke my gaze off his body and watched the movie, every so often chewing on my lip to soothe my nerves.

Some time flew by and my head snapped up as the movie got paused. "Steve I know when there's something up" Eddie stated moving closer towards me on the couch and cocking his head to the side in concern.

"I don't think I can say" I admitted, chewing on the inside of my lip and playing with the hem of my tshirt. My eyes locked onto Eddie's and I watched him become taken back, he put a hand on his chest mocking to be flabbergasted.

"Steve do you think I'm dumb? Were best friends"
"That is kind of the point I can't say"

Eddie hummed in response, reaching a hand out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Parts of me wanted to run on this moment but other parts wanted to attack him, in a good way.

"There's nothing you can say that would ruin our friendship"

Okay I'm in love with you

I wanted to say those words but I couldn't, so I kind of said it in a different way that was more comfortable for right now.

"Do you remember the other day in the cafeteria?"
"What day? There's been many days"
I glared at Eddie causing him to burst out laughing, I watched as he composed himself for me to continue.
"The day where.." I started and then quickly blurted "thedevilhornsthingyoulookedcuteand" I quickly covered my mouth, feeling my whole face turn hot.

"Wait what?" Eddie asked as he grabbed my hands moving them away from my face.
"You did the devil horn thing and it was cute" I squeaked out.

Eddie sat there blinking at me and I wanted to vomit, I looked down at the floor waiting for something to happen counting to myself to calm myself down.

"You thought it was cute?" Eddie questioned and I looked up to see an amused expression on his face.

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