Boy, Interrupted (Steddie) Part 3

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Steve's POV

I stood out in the hallway, staring down the hall as they took that crazy guy away, he was kicking the nurses and just out right going crazy.

He looked like a lunatic.

Is that the sort of people I'm going to be living with?

I looked up and panic set in as the warden walked back towards me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Harrington there's some people in this establishment that just never want to leave but I assume you want to get help?" The warden questioned fondly, looking down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes" I whispered and she made an amused noise walking past me to go sit at her desk, I followed inside sitting at the chair in front of her desk. My eyes raked over the pictures set up across her desk, she seemed pretty normal, as I looked over photos of children and various family members.

"Good I am going to have Robin down in room 105 show you around while a nurse prepares your room" The warden instructed and I watched as she wrote something down in her notes.

"I don't think I belong here" I admitted while looking down in my lap.

"Steve look at me" The warden instructed and I looked up meeting her gaze. "You tried to commit suicide"

"I know but-"

"There's no buts Steve you tried to kill yourself what would the world be like without Steve in it? Think of your family how devastated they would be?" The Warden cut me off to say and then went to scribble down more notes in my file.

"I- I didn't mean it" I choked out almost letting out a sob.

"I'm sure you didn't but we need to work through those feelings" The warden warned in a tone like I was a child. I swallowed my want to burst out crying and twiddled my thumbs.

"Let me get one of the nurses to call Robin in here, she's so helpful I think you will like her"

I sighed and sunk into the chair, looking downward at my lap. In the background, I could overhear The Warden on the phone.

"Yes send her in here right away make sure she's not a mess you know" The Warden whispered that last part causing me to look up at her.

Five minutes passed by but it felt like hours and a nurse with a lady in a grey sweatsuit was at the doorway of the wardens office.

"Robin this is Steve Harrington" The Nurse stated motioning to Steve.

"Hi" Robin squeaked out looking me up and down.

"Hi" I breathed out and grabbed my stuff following them out of The Wardens and down the hall. The Nurse walked us to a door and then grabbed my stuff out of my hands, dismissing herself in the process.

"Bye Gretchen" Robin said waving excitedly at the nurse as she walked away and then turned to me.
"Thats Gretchen she's one of the Guard Nurses here if you get on her good side she gives you bubblegum"
Robin said with the most enthusiastic tone.

"This is my room let me show you" Robin instructed and turned to open the door, stepping out of the way to let me inside. I piled in and was hit with a wave of a rancid stench but I didn't want to set Robin off, I didn't know if she was crazy or not so I tried to ignore it.

"Nice room" I said flatly looking around.

It wasn't much. A bed with a nightstand then a bathroom off to the right.


I looked around scanning the room, seeing all the blue trinkets and coloring pages.

"How long have you been here?" I questioned and turned around to face her.

"Uhm hmm since I was 12" Robin mumbled as she had her hands in her mouth.

"Oh" I said flatly, my eyes raked over the many birthday cards that hung on her wall.

"I'm 20" Robin stated awkwardly and then walked over to me grabbing my nails holding them up to her face. "I can paint your nails later"
Normally I don't like when people touch me but, she something about her made me comfortable.

"Guys don't paint their nails" I said with a tiny laugh.

"OH you should see Eddie's nails I bet I have to fix them after that fight with Billy" Robin said all frustrated.

I then followed Robin around the rest of the room, listening to her telling me the rules and then she brought me into the common area where I got to meet everyone.

I froze when I made eye contact with a man with long hair sitting alone by the window. He looked like the guy from the hallway being dragged away acting insane. He stared at me, it was intense like his eyes were burning into my soul. Like I was his next victim or something, I could feel my hands start to clam up.

"Oh that's Eddie" Robin said from beside me knocking me out of my spiraling thoughts.

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