chapter one - Neru

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I woke up to my phone's alarm going off, it was an hour and a half before school started. Sighing, I rolled out of bed, summer was finally over, but I didn't find myself particularly upset at returning to school. Instead, I felt my heart rush at the thought of it, this year Len-kun would be going to my high school. Sure, he was only a freshman, and I, a junior, but what did that matter? I still had a chance, slight as it was.

Nero walked into my room, he looked worried - it was an odd look on him, he usually was always calm and collected. But I understood, today was his first day at high school after all, he was bound to be a little nervous.

"What's up, Nero?"

"Not much... I just wanted to know if you had any last minute tips, or something."

I laughed, "Don't worry so much, high school isn't that much harder than middle school, but for tips? Let's see... Keep your grades up, don't do anything too stupid, and become friends with Kagamine Len."

He rolled his eyes, and left to get ready. I almost wanted to yell after him that I wasn't kidding... almost. Nero might be my only chance at getting close to Len, but I couldn't really use my brother like that... could I?

Grabbing my phone, my outfit for the day, and a towel, I made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower, letting the water warm up. Then I started my Kagamine Len playlist, got undressed, and hopped into the shower.

The song, Butterfly on My Right Shoulder, was playing. I listened contently to the sound of Len's voice, and loudly sang over Rin's parts - so I could keep my small fantasy that Len was singing to me, and me alone, in the song.

Magnet was next, followed by his cover of World of Mine, and then finally Electric Angel.

As soon as Electric Angel ended, I got out of the shower, dried off, turned the music off, and got dressed in my usual: sleeveless cut out gray shirt, a black skirt over black shorts, and long black boots - all with yellow trim. Black sleeves and a short yellow tie went on to complete the outfit, and then of course I had to fix my hair into my signature side pony held by the blue hair tie.

Looking myself over in the mirror, I considered putting on make up, the idea was quickly dismissed. I didn't know the first thing about make up, and I would end up looking like a fool if I even attempted to put any on.

Nero knocked on the door, it was his turn to shower. I glanced myself over once more, and left the room. I walked back to my room, and laid on my bed. Closing my eyes, I pictured how nice it would be if Len was here with me... his arms around me, sweet whispers in my ear... I would fall asleep in them, without a care in the world, because he would keep me safe. It would be perfect.


My ringtone, a mp3 download I took from YouTube of Len singing I like you, I love you, woke me. Haku was calling, and I had two missed calls from her already.

"Hey?" I answered sleepily.

"Finally, do you have any idea how long I've been trying to get a hold of you? I texted, and this is my third time calling!"

"Sorry, I fell asleep."

"So nothing's changed? We've talked about this! Stop being lazy, and going to sleep!"

"Stop nagging me!" I laughed.

"Have you even checked the time yet, Neru? You kinda gotta leave in like three minutes, or you're gonna be late."


"Check the time! Seriously... what would you do without me?" Haku said, groaning.

"I'd get proper sleep."

"You'd be late to everything!"

"Yeah, well... I gotta go, thanks for waking me."

I could practically hear her smirk on the other side of the phone, "Someone has to keep you on track."

"Text you later."

"Bye Neru."

I ran out of my room, and outside. Nero was waiting for me. He was dressed as he did in middle school, fairly simple: a black tank top, yellow shorts, yellow and black striped socks, and black boots. His yellow hair was brushed in a way, to where it reminded me of Kagamine Rin - the only person in between Len and I. That and the fact that he didn't know me...

"Good, I thought I'd have to walk by myself."

"Why didn't you? You walked to school by yourself just fine in middle school."

"Well, I figured that I'd walk with you, to make sure you actually make it to class on time for once!"

"I would have been fine, Haku calls me in the morning to make sure I'm up."

"Oh... that explains why you haven't been getting in as much trouble with Mom anymore... although, you did go over your limit with calls and texts to Haku..."

"Well Haku is a good friend, she's the only friend I allow to wake me up."

"That's because she's your only friend."

"Shut up."

"You're just mad cause you know it's true."

"It's only true cause I don't need any one other than Haku."

"What about Len?"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?" I yelled, my face growing red. I began walked quickly, to avoid not only the conversation at hand, but also being late to class. Nero followed, but didn't try to keep the conversation. When we reached campus, I scanned looking for Haku, to no avail. Then I remembered: Haku graduated last year, I was alone this year.

Nero sighed, "I was only kidding, you know. You don't just have to have Haku, I'm here for you too."

"Thanks, but like I said, I don't need anyone else. Haku is plenty, and she's all that I want."

"Yeah, where is she now?"

"She graduated last year, you know that," I said, grinding my teeth.

"Exactly. You don't have any other friends, I was offering you my friendship, but if you'll be like that, never mind."

Nero walked away, to find some of his friends from his class. I immediately regretted being so rude, but it was reflex. I was so used to withdrawing from people, I couldn't accept their acts of kindness.

Sighing, I made my way to my class. There was no point in waiting for the bell to ring anymore, my only friend was gone.

Deep in thought, I passed by the blonde-haired boy that I had been in love with ever since I could remember, I didn't even notice.

The bell rang, and class began.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, comment and vote. Sharing it with a friend would be cool too!

I know the video isn't of Len singing, it originally was if you didn't know, but I actually really like this Neru cover. The music is nice lol.

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