chapter 42 - Len

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Happy Valentines Day you guys! Hopefully you ate candy, had a Crush (soda lol), and spend tonight either rereading this story ( :p ) or going out with your special someone.


I heard a car drive up a few minutes before I was supposed to meet with Neru. Looking outside, I saw Neru run out of the car and inside. The car waited for a few seconds then drove away.

My phone went off, it was a text from Rin.

You going out with Neru tonight?

Yeah, we're leaving soon.

Nice, don't go crazy!

I didn't go crazy last time!

You got drunk!

That wasn't my fault.

Sure, whatever.

Is Nero taking you out?

Nah, we're just hanging out here.

With Rinto and Lenka?

Yeah, it's not like Nero and I are dating...

I could practically see her frowning on the other side of the phone.

Just give it time.

Whatever, I don't even like him that much.


Shut up and get down here. Your date is waiting for you.

I looked at the time as she said that, it was 9:03.

"Crap!" I jumped out of my chair and looked over at what I was wearing.

'My append outfit will have to do...'

I went downstairs and saw Neru standing and talking with Rin. They were simile get and laughing, like they were actually friends, and I smiled - glad they were actually getting along.

Neru noticed me after a few seconds, and she turned to face me. She was wearing the white dress from my dream, her hair tied up with a white ribbon that suspiciously looked like one of Rin's.

"We were just talking about you," Rin said, smirking.

Neru laughed and agreed, saying, "She was just telling me how you had practically begged her to get these white ribbons when you were younger."

"I did not!"

Rin giggled and said, "Oh brother, yea you did. I wanted to get the yellow and orange pair but you liked the white ones better."

"Why would I care what ribbons you put in your hair?" I muttered, afraid of what Rin was going to say.

"Don't you remember, Len-chan?"

'Oh great... She brings this up.'

"I was like five... Let it go!"

"You were eight."

"That was ages ago!"

"Six years ago," Neru commented.

"Exactly, stop bringing it up!"

Rin giggled and said, "You'll never live it down Len!"

I sighed and sat on the bottom step of the staircase.

Neru sat next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Calm down," she whispered, "I like you even if you did dress up like a girl."

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