chapter 25 - Neru

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The ride home was unbearably silent, Mom didn't so much as look my way. Unlike when we were driving to Len's, she made conversation with him, asking all sorts of questions while still making jabs towards me. I learned more about him during that car ride than the few times we've actually talked.

When we got home, Nero was already asleep in his room. I thought about doing the same, but my mom's jabs rang through my mind, and I stopped in my tracks. If looks could kill, than my glare I gave her would have made me and Nero orphans.

"What is your problem?" Mom asked, after a few seconds of my death glare.

I crossed my arms in annoyance, "You know exactly what you did!"

"What? Tell the truth? It's about time someone told you."

"You didn't tell the truth, you talked down about me! You embarrassed me in front of Len, and you didn't think twice about it!"

"You're point is...? Look Neru, honey-"

"Don't 'honey' me."

"Whatever, anyways, Neru, I said nothing wrong."

"You implied that we'd been having sex!"


"What do you mean 'so'? You can't honestly believe that's appropriate!"

"Well you can't honestly think that having a guy over without supervision is appropriate."

"He came by to talk!"

"About what?"

"It's none of your business, mother," I spat out the last word with as much hate and anger as I could muster.

"Go to your room, now."

"I can't wait until I move out."

"Then do it already! If you want to so bad then just go do it!"

"I will!"

"Then just get out of here already!"

I froze, this was always where our arguments lead to, and I didn't usually have the courage to say what was on my mind... usually I grabbed my stuff and ran before she really lost her temper, but not this time.

"I will, but not because you're telling me to! I'm leaving because I can't handle your constant nagging and your constant jabs, I'm never moving back in here!"

"Just leave, you're wasting both of our time."

"Well you-" I froze, realizing that she was right, there wasn't any point in arguing when I could be packing. "Argh!"

I stomped into my room and grabbed a bunch of clothes and stuffed them into my bag. Next I grabbed my phone charger and the essentials, then walked out of my room, and left the house, making sure I slammed the front door shut... loudly.

My walk to Haku's was long and uneventful, I didn't even bother texting her, I never did after getting into a fight with my mom.

When I arrived, the house was dark and silent. I walked up to the front door and knocked, no answer. 'Maybe she's already asleep... it is late after all.' Next I checked where her spare key is supposed to be, it wasn't there. 'That's weird...'

I take my phone out and text her.

Hey, you awake?

Yeah, why?

Can you let me inside? Mom and I had another fight...

I'm not at the house.

Then where are you?

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