chapter 23 - Nero

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Haha, so yeah, kinda left you with a cliff hanger last chapter. :p hopefully this makes up for it!

x.x okay, so this was actually really hard to type, so sorry if it sucks, but I just burnt my hand while cooking dinner, and just moving it really freaking hurts... x.x so yeah... if it sucks, i'll fix it later, just let me know.


I heard the door open and close, hoping that it would be Len leaving - so Neru and I could talk... alone. Instead I saw Neru, my mother, and Len - all with a look of shock and embarrassment on their faces, plus a little bit of anger coming off of Neru and Mom.

"And you are?" my mom asked after a few minutes, breaking the awkward silence.

"Kagamine Len, I'm a classmate of both Neru and Nero."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came by to drop of Neru's work, since she's missed so much school lately," he answered quickly, lying.

"Oh? What class of hers are you in? And don't you guys just go around getting to know each other the first week of school, she couldn't have that much work that needed dropping off."

"Well, I'm in her choir class. I came to bring her the songs, and now that I have... I should be going! I don't mean to keep any of you busy."

"No, why don't you stay for dinner? Any friend of Neru's is always welcome here, although I wasn't aware that she had any other friends except Haku," she said, poking fun at Neru.

"Mom, he said he should be going," Neru forced out, trying to keep her temper.

"And I said he should stay for dinner. It'll only be what, another hour? That shouldn't be long, especially since school got out ages ago, and I'm sure he's been here all day. Just what have you two been doing while Nero was in his room?" she asked suspiciously, looking straight at Neru.

"He hasn't been here all day!"

"Don't lie to me Neru, I know this is the boy you wouldn't stop talking about last year, and the year before. You've just been dying to have him over, and you probably have already! What did he skip school just so you two could spend the day together? You're so despicable, Neru!"

I looked over at Len, and he looked about as uncomfortable as I felt. Neru, on the other hand, had lost her patience. Her face was rapidly turning red as our mom yelled at her, accusing her of things that weren't true.

"Will you just shut up for once in your life?" Neru screamed, snapping.

"Excuse me? Go make dinner, honestly, you've been home all day, it should already be done."

"No! You can't just go from screaming at me to telling me to make dinner! You don't know anything! I just got home  an hour and a half ago! And I just met Len a few days ago! You always go making assumptions, and yet you never bother to learn the facts!"

"What do you mean that you weren't home all day? You're grounded!"

"So what? My boss called and said I could do overtime if I wanted, so I took him up on the offer. That's none of your concern though, and neither are the people I talk to!"

Len inched closer to me, and whispered, "Are they always like this?"

"Pretty much... it's why Neru's moving out, I think. She can't stand all of Mom's rules and assumptions. I think Mom's pretty relieved to be honest, she and Neru never really got along - and it's just been getting worse ever since Dad left."

"We'll talk about that later, now go start dinner, I've hard a long day."

Neru stared at her, furious, but her eyes softened when she caught glance at Len, and left the room without another word... I knew though, that after Len left, there was going to be a big fight...

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