chapter 47 - Nero

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So for those who didn't notice my huge mistake a few chapters ago... Good for you, you can ignore this. Except, if you're like me, you would have noticed it... I had them go to choir in the morning, when they have class after lunch. So sorry, I'll fix it when I do the rewrite, promise. Right now though, I want to get on with the story since I've made you guys wait so long. Hope you enjoy~


The final bell didn't ring soon enough, although it seems like it never does. When it did, however, ring, I ran out of the building while pulling out my phone. I had one message, but not from who I was hoping to hear from. Neru had been missing ever since choir, and she hadn't said anything to me. She ran out with Kaito and never returned. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Len since then either.

I checked the message, seeing that it was from none other than Kagamine Rin, and before I finished even reading the text, I was smiling. I didn't know she would have even thought about texting me, the fact that she did made me happy.

Wanna walk home together?

I'll wait for you on the sidewalk, I responded, stopping when I reached the start of said sidewalk.

Yeah, cause there's only one of those.

The main one, baka, the one that leads out of the school and to the main road.

I know, geez, I'm only kidding.

I rolled my eyes, and started looking through the sea of people for the blonde pigtails that I have come to love. Someone tapped my shoulder, causing me to turn and look at her - Wotamin.

"Wanna walk home together?"

"Don't you usually walk home with Clear?"

"We broke up..."


"I don't really know, it was just like neither of us was feeling it anymore. Plus, I only started going out with him to get another guy's attention, but I guess it didn't work."

"That was stupid," I said bluntly, "that's not the reason why you start dating someone."

"I know... But I really liked him, I still do."

"Who is it?" I asked, sighing.

"You, stupid. I like you."

I stared at her, searching for some form of deception. All that was there was sincerity, and my childhood friend's ex. I still cared for her, but not in the same way I had the year before. She was no longer my crush, only my friend, and I couldn't hurt her, Clear, or Rin by pretending otherwise.

"I'm sorry," I told her quietly.


"I don't feel the same way, Wotamin. I did, last year. However, I have moved on. I'm very sorry."

"M-moved on? To who? Lapis?"

"No, Aoki and I are just friends."

"Then who?"

"Nero?" Rin's voice broke through our conversation, and immediately, Wotamin's eyes turned to disgust and distrust.

"Not her," she whispered, "anyone but her..."

"I'm sorry, Wotamin."

"What's going on?" Rin asked, grabbing my arm, and pulling me to her.

"You have to be kidding me. You're turning me down, for someone like her? She's an awful person, she's always been, and she always will be."

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