chapter 15 - Nero

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Haku spent the night since she was drunk, as she usually is. She and Neru ate the rest of the cookies in Neru's room while I spent my time in my room. I fell asleep almost immediately and didn't wake until the next day when my alarm went off.

Mom was already gone, and Neru didn't even bother getting up - she couldn't return to school until next week. I was still surprised that she had asked for my help... maybe it was a moment of desperation from her, but I would take it.

Haku was downstairs having a cup of coffee by the time I finished showering and getting dressed.

"Ugh, I have such a bad headache," she complained.

"How much did you drink?"

"Not much... I brought a bottle or two with me... maybe more."

"I really wish that you wouldn't have gotten into drinking, it's a bad influence on Neru, and it isn't good for your body."

She gave a small smile and set her mug down, "That might be true, but there's a lot you don't know, Nero. Drinking helps me, it really does. And while your sister doesn't approve of how often I do it, she understands why Zatsune and Meiko introduced me to alcohol."

"But still..."

"Don't worry about me, worry about getting to school on time."

I checked the time, I had to leave in a few minutes.

"I'll be fine, what about you? Don't you have to work today?"

"No, I don't..."

"Why not, it's Wednesday?"

"I got fired last night."

"What? Why?"

"I left work early."

"That's no reason to be fired!"

"No, it was only the final straw of all of my mess ups over the summer, I really don't blame them for firing me..."

"Well what are you going to do?"

"Search for another job. If I can't find one by the end of this month I'll have to move back in with Dell though."

"I wish you luck."

She laughed, and drained what was left in her cup, "I was planning on staying to give Neru some company for a few hours, that okay with you?"

"Fine by me, as long as you're out before Mom gets home, we don't need to get Neru into any more trouble."

"You're a good brother, you know that? She's lucky to have you."

"She's lucky to have us all," I said, giving a slight sigh.

Haku giggled and said, "You better get going. You'll be late if you don't leave now."

I checked the time again, it was five minuets past the time I should have left. Funny, it didn't seem that long.

"Yeah, bye!"

I grabbed my bag, and ran out the door, not waiting for her reply.

The run to school wasn't long, but it did tire me, and I only made it right before the bell rang. I raced into class, and took my seat. The teacher seemed surprised that I had rushed in last minute - last second, really.

Classes went on, the next being even more boring than the first, and I began to draw to pass the time.

As my teacher tried to explain the writing process, one I had learned years before, I sketched a picture of Rin. Her short blonde hair, held back by white hair clips, so everyone could see her beautiful big eyes - a mixture of blue and green. I drew her small nose and cute smile next, followed by the adorable sailor girl outfit she enjoyed to wear.

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