chapter 18 - Len

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Hey guys, I really appreciate every read, comment, and vote I get on here, and I just wanted to spend a little time thanking all of you. I know that I haven't really updated at all this month, if any of you were wondering it's because I just started school, and have been really super busy with band activities. I should be back to updating now, I might miss a day every now and then, but for the most part, everything is back to normal! So thank you for sticking with me, and this chapter is definitely for all of you out there! I hope you enjoy, without further ado, here's the chapter you all have been looking forward to.


The two girls ordered cones, vanilla on waffle by the looks of it. One reminded me strangely of Rin... She and Rin had similar hairstyles, and both had that innocent smile that automatically made you want to like them. The Rin-look-alike was grasping onto the other girl's arm, and I turned my attention to the other one. She had a curled side pony that was a blonde color, like the Rin-look-alike. This one reminded me of Neru, a little, and I frowned... A Neru-look-alike and a Rin-look-alike? I sure hoped they got along better than Neru and Rin did... although, they seemed to be friendly with each other.

"Hey Len, what're you looking at?" Rin asked, bringing my attention back to her, "Oh them?"

"Yeah... they kind of look familiar, don't you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"That one's hair, the one in the white, kinda looks like yours."

"Whatever, short hair's pretty common. Let's finish eating so we can go home."

"There isn't anything to do at home," I complained.

She rolled her eyes and licked her ice cream, I followed suit, and barely noticed when the two girls walked over to us.

"Excuse me, but I'm Anon, and this is my sister, Kanon," said Rin's-look-alike. She wore a white top - it was sleeveless, had a yellow collar, purple buttons, and orange trim. It was matched with a yellow skirt that was longer on the right side than the left, also with an orange trim. Long white socks, white ankle boots, and gray finger-less gloves (all also with the matching orange trim) completed her outfit. On her boots, yellow round discs with blue trim were on both sides, looking as though they might spin. She had a purple hair band that matched her buttons, but clashed with her green eyes.

"I'm Kagamine Len," I told them, introducing myself, "This is Rin."

"Is she your girlfriend?" asked the Neru-look-alike, Kanon. Her outfit was very similar to her sister's, but her shirt was black. So were her gloves and socks, which were shorter than Anon's, about knee-length. Her boots were longer, and gray, ending just a little before her socks.

I looked over at Rin, she didn't answer, just frowned. Sighing, I shook my head, "No, she's not. She's my-"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Anon asked, interrupting me.

"Hey, look. I don't mind you making conversation, but don't go on asking Len questions like I'm not here," Rin responded, protective and jealous.

Anon giggled, "My bad. It's just... he was the one who introduced himself, and you for that matter... and he said that you weren't his girlfriend, so..."

Rin looked mad, but she knew that Anon was right. I asked a question before Rin exploded, "Are you two new here?"

"Yeah, we should be starting at the high school here next week."

'Next week? That's when Neru should be back.'

"Cool, what grade are you guys going into?"

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