chapter four - Rin

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Len left his seat and walked to the girl who walked in late, what was her name... Neru? 'She's obviously the teacher's favorite... She definitely looks a bit older too, is she even in this grade? Wait... Isn't she the one who has a huge crush on Len? And she was sitting at Zatsune's table! I can't let Miku see Len and her talking with each other!'

I got up, and walked over to Len, his hands were slightly hovering over hers, and a faint blush was on her cheeks. Her eyes were everywhere except on Len's, 'She likes him... Even more reason for me to keep him away! As if having to be around 96 wasn't enough, I don't need any MORE competition!'

I slung my arm around his shoulder, "He-ey Len-kun!"

"Oh, hey Rin, this is Neru."


"...Hi, well thanks for my phone Len, I thought I had lost it forever."

She looked me over once more, and left, still blushing pink. She walked over to where her younger brother, taking Len's seat.

"Well isn't she just cheery."

"Don't judge someone until you know them, Rin."

I laughed, "I already know more about her than you do."

"Really? Like what?"

"Like she's an anti-miku. She'll ruin our image, and our relationship with Miku if we talk to her anymore - and we need our friendship with Miku to get more popular."

"So you keep saying."

"It's true!"

"Okay, well whatever."

"Now let's go see what Miku is up to, she must be trying to pick out songs she wants to sing for the concert."

"Yeah, that sounds so much fun... You go ahead, I'll be talking to Nero."

"Another Akita? Weren't you listening to me just now? They'll ruin our image!"

"He isn't apart of the anti-mikus."

"It doesn't matter Len. He's guilty by association, he talks to Neru, heck, he's related to Neru! That makes him off limits, now let's go."

I grabbed his hand, and tugged him towards Miku and her group.

"Rin, I really don't want to."

I forced myself to cry, just a little, "You... you don't want to hang out with me anymore?"

Sighing, he hugged me close, "Rin, you are my princess, I will always want to spend time with you."

I smiled, happy that he was finally accepting the idea of us together.

"Is that what you wanted me to say?" he whispered in my ear.

I jumped back from him, and looked him in the eye, "This isn't over Len, but we aren't talking about this now."

Taking his hand, I dragged him over to where Miku was sitting. They were talking about different songs they could sing, like I had guessed.

"Hey Rin-chan, hey Len-kun!"

"Hi Miku-chan!"

"Hey Miku," Len said, not in his usual cheery voice.

"Something wrong? I saw you talking to that yellow-haired girl... Akita, was it?"

"Nothings wrong! He was merely trying to return something she had lost, she was really rude about it, accused him of stealing it!" I jumped in.

Len glared at me, but he didn't say anything. Surely I'd hear all about how terrible I am for "lying" like that, but I really didn't care. I wasn't about to let someone like Akita, someone who was just a common person, ruin our - my chances at being happy.

"Really? Actually, I'm not that surprised. She is with Zatsune after all, their group is mean. I'm sure she's over there trying to recruit her little brother, if he isn't one of them already."

I gave Len a look to warn him to keep with mouth shut, but he ignored it completely, "Actually," he said, "Nero isn't one of them. He's actually pretty cool."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Well, the bell's about to ring."

"Oh, right, I'm going to go get my stuff then."

"What a great idea, you wouldn't mind getting my stuff too, would you?"

He frowned, but nodded nonetheless.

"Thanks, you're the best boyfriend ever!"

I watched Neru tense across the room at the word boyfriend, and I knew that I had won, she wouldn't go near my Len again.

The bell rang, and Len handed me my stuff. I walked out with Miku, Luka, and Gumi, still trying to decide what songs would be the best. I was sure that Len was right behind me, but when I got to our next class he wasn't anywhere to be found, so I walked back towards the choir room, hoping to run into him. It wasn't very often that he wandered off, so I got worried slightly. I found him outside of the choir room, but I didn't walk up to him, I wanted to know why he hadn't left yet, and I was sure I would find it any second now.

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