chapter nine - Neru

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I woke up late, I had turned my alarm off last night - there was no use in getting up early if you didn't have anywhere to go. The first thing I did was check my phone, Haku didn't text or call to try to wake me up. I had already told her I got into a fight, and that I was suspended. I groaned and rolled out of bed, I changed into some comfy clothes: a yellow sweatshirt that was too big, and some gray slacks. I put my hair up into a messy bun, and exited my room to get some breakfast. It was 11:30 a.m., so I debated waiting until noon and just having lunch, but my stomach growled, objected to the idea of waiting.

Hurriedly, I made a bowl of cereal, and ate quickly. I cleaned up my bowl and made my way back to my room. I didn't work today, actually I didn't work all week: they gave us the week off to get used to school again. It was a waste of time, but oh well, I guess...

I looked through my contacts list, trying to figure out who to message.

Akaito? 'No... just no.'

Haku? 'Maybe later... she was busy working right now, trying to save up for college.'

Nero? 'Wait... what? Since when do I have Nero's number?'

Zatsune? 'It couldn't hurt... right? I mean, Haku wanted me to get friendlier with her, and Zatsune is always looking to get her mind off of school.'

I texted both Nero and Zatsune, lunch was just starting, and I knew they would both answer.

Me: Hey, Nero, when did you give me your number?

Me: hey Zatsune, it's Neru.

Nero: oh, hi, I gave it to you forever ago... don't you remember?

Me: yeah, I have it written down, but I never saved it into my phone... DID YOU TOUCH MY PHONE?

Zatsune: oh hey, heard you got suspended for fighting that Kagamine chick.

Me: yeah... I didn't start it though, wish I did. I can't stand that prissy little princess.

Zatsune: she's not as bad as Hatsune, but yeah... I can see where you're coming from. It's a shame you didn't hit her hard enough to do any real damage.

Nero: OK, so I added my number to your phone, but that's ALL I did, I swear!

Me: How many times have I told you not to touch my phone? HOW MANY TIMES?

Me: I didn't? I thought for sure I gave her a fat lip.

Zatsune: nope, her lips are as perfect as always... Len still believes she is the victim, can you even believe how stupid he is? Ugh, I hate all of them!

Nero: WILL YOU CALM DOWN? It's not like I did anything to it, I added a number, that's it!

Zatsune: oh, by the way, I got an interesting text yesterday.

Neru: huh? Who was it from?

Zatsune: he said he was Akita Nero, I didn't know you had a brother.


Zatsune: he wanted to know more about Kagamine Rin.

Me: ugh, he's had a crush on her for like forever. Even longer than he's had a crush on that other girl, Wotamin...

Me: How did you get Zatsune's number?

Zatsune: heh, kinda like how you've had your eye on "Len-kun"?

Me: shut up!

Nero: from your phone, where else?



Me: Go get your own informative, don't bother MY friends about questions concerning YOUR crush!

Nero: I was asking about if she could actually start the fight, because I wanted to believe you but it just wasn't believable!

I began to text my response, but I froze. I was so mad and upset, how could he not trust his own sister over the word of a stupid celebrity singer? It wasn't fair.

Nero: look, I'm sorry, okay? I believe you now, you didn't start the fight.

Me: you should have believed me in the first place. I might do a lot of things, but lying isn't one of those.

Nero: yeah, okay, I trust you. But I gotta go, the bell just rang.

Zatsune: sorry for the wait, Akaito was bothering me with stuff... wants to go on a date or something, he's an idiot sometimes...

Me: lol it took him long enough to ask you! I mean really... you two were practically dating already, you just weren't dating dating.

Zatsune: lol, that didn't make any sense but somehow I got it... we're going out Friday night, to a karaoke place, I'm excited.

Me: good for you two, I'm sure that Haku would be happy to know that you guys are finally together now.

Zatsune: yeah, I already texted her. By the way, she seems a little upset that you haven't texted her yet.

Me: thanks for the heads up, I'll get to texting her now.

Zatsune: whoops, the teacher saw me texting. Ttyl

Me: bye

I rolled my eyes at the screen, Zatsune always tries to act cool by texting in class, but she almost always gets caught.

Me: Hakuuu!

Haku: oh hey Neru

Me: sorry for not texting earlier, I thought you were busy working

Haku: ooh, it's fine! I'm just happy you texted, so what do you want to talk about?

Me: anything really... hey, did Nero text you yesterday?

Haku: huh, now that you mention it, he did

Me: ugh, I can't believe him!

Haku: eh, I really think he's just trying to get to know you better.

Me: he doesn't trust me...

Haku: have you given him a reason to? It sounds like to me that you've only pushed him away, like you did with Len

Me: What I do with Nero and Len are two separate things!

Haku: then prove it, allow one of them to get close. You know that's what you really want

Me: well, it definitely won't be Len that'll get close to me, with all that's happened...

Haku: is that such a bad thing? I know you like him, but you're three years older than he is

Me: ik about the age difference, but it really doesn't seem that big when I think about dating him

Haku: Zatsune told me he's dating Rin

Me: yeah...

Haku: I think you need to let him go.

Me: ik

Haku: then why don't you?

Me: I love him.


Hii, it's Kenshi again! :D what do you guys think, love it, hate it? Comment, cause I love feedback... Oh and I guess I forgot my disclaimer... (did I? I thought I put one on here...hmm...) anyways, I don't own ANY characters used in this fanfic. It is a FANfic, not MYfic :p hehe, anyways, only the story is mine, so please don't steal... you guys know what a fanfic is, so this'll be the only time I say this: characters don't belong to me, and neither do the pics or videos, everything belongs to their original creator, thank you. Now bye bye, please don't forget to vote! <3

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