chapter 13 - Neru

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"Neru!" My mom called from the other room.


"You have visitors!"


No one other than Haku ever visited me, and I was just texting her. She had to go back to working though, so we stopped our conversation.

"Who is it?"

"Some girl... Kagamine?"

'Kagamine? Girl... Rin?'

"Uh... tell her I'm not home!"

"I can't do that! Get over here, now!"

"Okay, fine!"

Sighing, I rolled out of my bed, and began texting Haku immediately, completely ignoring the fact that she was working.

Me: You'll never believe it, Rin came over!

I made my way to the front door, and looked out the window. Both Rin and Len were there, holding a batch of cookies.

"Hi," I answered simply, opening the door.

"I... uh... brought you cookies," Rin said, holding them out and blushing.

Me: She brought cookies?!?!?

"I know you didn't start that fight, Neru," Len said calmly.


"Nero and Zatsune told me, you really should be nicer to them."

I frowned, I might like Len, but I don't like being told what to do.

"Yeah, well. Maybe you should keep a tighter leash on your girlfriend."

He winced, and Rin looked about to cry, "She isn't my girlfriend... she's my sister."

"Yeah, cause you two totally looked like siblings yesterday. Please spare me the lies Kagamine, I don't need them," I answered indifferently, checking my phone to see if Haku had answered yet... she hadn't.

"Look Akita, I came by to apologize, but I don't need you treating Len like this. So just take the stupid cookies, and I'll be on my way."

She handed me a plate of cookies, they had yellow frosting music notes on them, and looked to be chocolate chip. I took the plate silently, wondering if she had poisoned them or not.

"Well, enjoy," Len said.

"Yeah, come on Len, let's go."

Rin started walking towards the street, and Len looked at her, and then back at me again.

"I'm really sorry that I thought you started the fight, Neru."

"Whatever Kagamine," I answered, checking my phone once again.

"I should have known..."

"Look, it's okay, okay? I'm out of school, so really she did me a favor, I almost forgot what amazing fun it is being stuck at home all day with nothing to do," I responded sarcastically.

"Well, you could always come by our house!"

"Can't. I'm grounded, and I wouldn't want to go over there anyway, I'm not completely stupid you know, it's obvious that Rin has it out for me."

He sighed, "Can I talk to your mom?"

"Why?" I asked, suspicious.

"I just want to tell her that it isn't your fault..."

"Forget it, anyways, you should be going. Your little girlfriend over there isn't looking too happy."

"She really isn't my girlfriend, you know."

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