chapter 20 - Rin

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hey guys, just a quick note before we start: I'm not sure how much longer this fanfic will be, but I'm really grateful for all of you who have stuck with this story, especially since I'm not really sure what I'm doing with this yet. ^-^" I know it's pretty long already, and we haven't even really gone that far! Hopefully you guys don't get bored with it before I end this, I can tell you this now: I am planning on making a sequel, but that doesn't necessarily mean that this one will end anytime soon. We'll see.

Anyways, yay for double updates! :D haha, bye, enjoy the chapter~


I arrived at first period with time to spare, and settled into my seat.

'I can't believe that I left all of that work for Nero...'

'He didn't seem to mind.'

'There's no way he didn't mind! There was a ton of work to do!'

'Whatever, he was the one who offered.'

'So what? It doesn't matter, I should have stayed to help!'

'And done what? Leave the hard stuff to him, and you can do the stuff you actually know how to do.'

'Like pick out songs?'

'Exactly. That's much more your style.'


I fought with myself, back and forth, until Len sat down next to me, saying, "Hey Rin."

"Huh? Oh, hi! You got here late, did Lenka drive you?"

He laughed, "Nope. I walked."

"Really? When did you leave? You were still asleep when I left."

"Well you left early! I woke up when my alarm went off, and left when we normally do."

"Sorry I didn't walk with you today, Miku wanted to meet up."

"Of course she did," he commented, frowning slightly.

"What did Miku ever do to you? Your mood always changes whenever I mention her."

"She didn't do anything. It's just you always mention her whenever we're having a perfectly normal conversation... like she's your whole world or something."

I laughed, "Are you jealous of her?"

"No, I'm just saying that you mention her a lot."

"Yeah, well, she's kind of one of my best friends. So I'm bound to mention her."

"Whatever, I don't think I'm going to eat with you guys at lunch today."

"Really? Kaito isn't eating at lunch either..."

"Where's he going to be?"

"Um, well he told us that he was talking with a teacher. I'm pretty sure he was lying though."

"Where do you think he'll be?"

"With Meiko."

"What?" he faked a gasp.

"Yeah, they were together at the ice cream shop, remember?"

"Oh, right... why do we care again?"

I rolled my eyes, "Miku told him to stay away from her."

"That doesn't sound nice, why would Miku do that?"

"Seriously Len? I've told you like 20 times already! Meiko confessed to Kaito, and Kaito told her that he felt the same. He was dating Miku though, so he broke up with Miku so he could sort out his feelings."

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