The next thing

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We were all horded into this building. We had just gotten off of the helicopter. We had been saved. I couldn't believe it. We had escaped WICKED. Sure we had lost a lot of people like Aris, Alby, and chuck, not to mention gally getting killed. But I had also gained things. I gained love. The love of my life. At least the life I could remember. 

After we were all horded into this building we met this man. He looked kinda like a rat.

"What's up with ratman?" Me and Minho asked each other simultaneously. 

"Not sure seems kinda creepy to me." I said.

"Yeh me too." He agreed.

"It's fine we're safe now we shouldn't worry too much." Newt said smiling and grabbing my hand. I smiled back. 'God I love this boy' i had thought to myself.

"Welcome, you all are safe here from the outside world, the scorch." Ratman began.

"We are sure glad we found you when we did or else you'd be food for the cranks." He said with what I assumed was supposed to be a laugh.

"What's a crank?" Asked Winston.

"A crank is a human who has lost their sanity due to the flare." Ratman responded.

"What's the flare?" Asked Jeff.

"A deadly virus." He said in a serious tone.

"Anyways no need to worry like I said you are safe here." He said with a grin, "now if you'll follow me." He said as he turned and motioned for us to follow him.

"All of you will be provided with showers, new clean clothes, and food, Jane I will need you to go with Ms. Connie here for observation." He said and motioned twords a dark skinned woman with dark black hair pulled into a bun and glasses. Newt grabbed tighter on my hand.

"Where are you taking her?" He asked protectively.

"She'll be fine, no need to worry she just needs to have some different tests done than y'all do." He said.

"Why?" Asked Joe. Joe wasn't very bright.

"Because you are boys, and we'll, Jane is, well not." Stepped in Ms. Connie pushing her glasses further up her face.

"I'll be fine, I promise." I whispered to newt.

"Okay, yell if you need me." He said in a concerned way.

"I will." I said with a smile. With a quick reassuring hand squeeze I walked away with Ms. Connie

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now