Big news

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"D-daughter..?" I asked disbelieveing. 

" were, are, my daughter, and Wicked took you since you were immune. I needed to make sure they didn't hurt you so I applied to work with them, they let me but under one condition, that I never ever tell you who I was." She said with a sigh. 

"I-i have a mom?" I asked. 

"Yes and you had a brother." She said finishing with Brenda.

"Who was my brother?" I asked. 

"I believe the name Wicked gave him was Aris." 

"Aris!?" I asked now even more confused. 

"Yes, they changed your name too, I had originally named you Lynn." She said sitting Infront of me now. 

"Lynn..." I whispered to myself. 

"Yes Lynn, and Aris was Oliver." She said. 

"Yeh, maybe it was best they changed his name." I said scrunching up my nose. 

"Hehe yeh, your dad took the pleasure of naming him." She said. 


"Yes, ofcourse you have a dad how else do you think you were brought into this cruel and vile world." She said with a small chuckle. 

"Who's my dad?" I asked cautiously. 

"Well, this may come as a shock to you, but Vincent is your dad." She said with a sigh. 

"Vincent..?" I said processing. I was quiet for quite a while. 

"If you want to change your name back to Lynn you can, but if you want to keep this one you can also do that." She said. 

"I think I'm going to keep this name, it'll be hard getting used to a whole new name ya know?" I asked with a small half smile.

"Thats fine,I know this is a lot to process, but I want you to know that we never wanted to give you away. Wicked took you and your brother from us. But we are here now." She said grabbing my hand reassuringly. 

"I know.." I whispered with tears threatening to spill over my eyes. 

"I do have a question for you." She said. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"You and the blond boy seem very close..are you two friends or...?" She said curiously. 

"Heh were not he's my boyfriend." I said with a small giggle. 

"Ooooh boyfriend, well as long as your happy." She said smiling. 

"I am, he makes me super happy, and I love him so much." I said now also smiling. 

"I'm glad you've found love and happiness in this cruel world." She said. We sat there in silence for a minute until Vincent walked in. 

"Everything going okay in here?" He asked. 

"Everything is going perfectly fine." Mary said. 

"Did you..?" He asked. Mary nodded. I looked up at him and he just gave me a small smile, I smiled back. 

"Ooh, and that Newt boy-" she started to tell him but was cut off by me covering her mouth with my hand. 

"What about him?" Vincent asked. 

"Nothing." I said quickly. 

"Mmmhmmm well, if he hurts you I will not hesitate killing him." Vincent said catching on and walking out of the tent. I turned and glared daggers at Mary and moved my hands away from her face. She just shrugged

"One more question." I said 

"Go ahead." She said. 

"Do I have to call you and Vincent mom and dad? It's all just super new and unusual and moving kinda fast and i don't think I'm quite ready for that kind of thing?" I asked cautiously. 

"You don't have to, we understand it's all moving kinda fast but I wanted you to know." She said. 

"Okay, thank you." I said with a small smile.

"Ofcourse." She said with a smile.

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now