They're here

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I walked twords Harriet and Sonya who were sitting by the fire.

"Hey, have y'all seen Newt?" I asked. 

"Yeh I think him and Minho went up the mountain trail." Harriet said pointing the way. 

"Thanks guys." I said and walked twords the way they pointed.

I walked up the trail and newt and Minho were sitting at the top just like Harriet said. 

"Hey guys." I said sitting down in between them. 

"Hey." They both said.

"What's up?" Minho asked. 

"Just came up here to talk to you guys." I said. 

"What's wrong?" Minho asked again.

"Nothing's wrong per say...but y'all are the people I trust the most and wanted to share some information with you." I said. 

"Alright shoot." He said. 

"So um it's a lot so bear with me." I said. 

I told them all about the visions I've had, the city, Jorge and Marcus, but I didn't tell them about the one where I saw Newt dying. 

"So those were from the past?" Newt asked. 

"Yeh I think so." I said. 

"What did you see earlier when they were doing the scans?" Newt asked.

"Well, um..this might sound really crazy but I saw you and Sonya...." I started. 

"And..?" He asked. 

"And you two are siblings..." I said cautiously. 

"......siblings......" he said processing. 

"Yeh..." I said slowly. 

"What were you and Aris and the lady talking about?" Minho asked. 

" apparently the lady, who's name is Mary, and Vincent are my mom and dad and Aris is my twin brother.." I said. They were both silent. 

"I know it's crazy and a lot to process, trust me I'm still kinda processing it all, but you two are the most important people to me so I wanted y'all to know." I said. 

'hey are you okay?' I heard a voice ask. I looked around to find where the voice came from. 

'its me Aris.' the voice said. I could hear the voice but Aris was all the way down the mountain. 

'what is happening.' i thought to myself. 

'telepathy.' He said. 

'this is crazy.' I thought. 

'yeh I know but a lot of things are crazy, but only we can hear each other if we talk like this.' he said. 

'okay, wait, can you see what I'm thinking all the time?' I asked kinda panicked. 

'only when you want to share it with me.' he said. 

'oh thank god.' I said. 

'dont worry, I can't see what you're thinking when you're making out with your little boyfriend.' he said,I could feel him chuckle in my brain. 

'HEY! Invasion of privacy thank you very much, plus that's none of your business.' I said feeling my cheeks heat up. 

'mmhmm, whatever, just checking on you and testing this whole telepathy thing.' he said.

'Okay, can you get out of my head now please?' I asked. He didn't say anything else everything just went kinda quiet. I could tell he left. 

Me, Minho and Newt just sat there for a while. 

"I hope this doesn't change anything between us." I said quietly. 

"What? No ofcourse not." Newt said. 

"Well..." Minho started jokingly. Me and Newt both glared daggers at him. "Kidding, kidding, ofcourse it doesn't change anything." 

"Okay." I said. 

"Y'all are scary when you team up." Minho said. 

"That's why we make such a good team." I said with a smirk.

"Yeh yeh whatever." He said. We sat there for a while just talking about everything. It was getting dark and we were still sitting there talking. After a while we heard a sound in the distance. It sounded like a helicopter. It didn't take long for us to realize the sound was getting closer, and multiplying. 

"What's happening?" I asked standing up. The sounds had gotten the attention of everyone.

"THEYRE HERE!" I heard someone yell. When the helicopters got closer I read the side and it was none other than Wicked. 

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now