Who the fuck are you?

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After dinner, some people were called and taken to someplace called 'the safe haven'. I wasn't buying it, I could tell something was up. The boys and I were separated them going to one room and me to a different one. I couldn't sleep, I was trying to find a way back to the boys. A bit after midnight my vent grate got thrown open and I jumped back.

"AHH!!" I yelled.

"Shhhh!" The boy that came from the vent said.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked confused. It was dark and I couldn't see very much of anything but the voice sounded familiar. 

"First of all, language please." He started.

"English." I said annoyed and rolled my eyes.

"Second of all." he said ignoring my comment. 

I cut him off by the recognition of his voice.

"Aris?" I asked grabbing a flashlight and shinning it on him confirming my suspicions. "I thought you'd died."

"Well no, I got away,but that's besides the point, I have to show you something." He said motioning for me to follow him. I followed him hesitantly. We crawled through the grates and eventually stopped over a vent that was presumably in the ceiling. We saw a box on wheels. The box had a screen. It had a name and what looked like the human body system. The name was a name I recognized from when it was called at dinner, Alissa. Me and Aris jumped down and stealthily followed the box into the room it was going to. We snuck into the room after the adults left and I couldnt believe what i saw. People, they were strung up and hooked up to tubes. They seemed half alive and half dead. 

We heard the door open and we ran to opposite sides of the room and hid. It was ratman who walked in. He had pressed a button on a remote and a screen appeared with none other than Ava Paige on the other side. 

"Hello Dr. Paige." Ratman said with a smile.

"Janson, I hope all is going well?" She asked.

Why ofcourse, we are slowly collecting from their brains." He said. They started talking about some other things but I zoned out for a minute.

When I came back to my senses they were still talking.

"I assure you they feel nothing." Ratman said.

"That's good, I want you to make sure they don't feel any pain at all, not even a slight headache, nothing." Dr. Paige said.

"Will do doctor, will do." Ratman said. The call ended and ratman walked out of the room looking not very happy. As Aris and I looked at each other frozen we realized that the people who were called were not going to a safe haven. In fact, they hadn't been saved from WICKED, they had been taken by WICKED. 

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now