A storm, a meeting, and a kick to the balls

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In the middle of the night I heard a low but loud grumble. I opened my eyes slightly and looked up to see that the sky was dark and cloudy. A storm. There was a storm coming.

"Shit." I said scrambling up. I shook Newt and the others awake. "We need to go now!" I yelled over the sound of the incoming storm. We all quickly grabbed our packs and ran as fast as we could. We ran as the storm chased us. As we were running we saw some lights, and then as we got closer it looked like a building.

"We just need to make it to there!" I yelled and kept running. 

BAM! There was suddenly lightning followed by a sand storm. We were running and running closer and closer to the building. We had made it to the door and almost everyone had made it through except for Minho. He was a good 30 or 40 feet away getting closer and closer. 

 BAAMM! Another strike of lightning came, except for this time it had hit Minho and thrown him forward only 10 feet away from the door. 

"MINHO!!" I yelled and left newt to keep the door open. 

 I ran twords Minho and dragged him twords the door. I had gotten him through the door and layed him on the floor. Frypan already had a flashlight light out so he shined It over Minho. His shirt was kinda singed, he had some smoke coming off of him and his hair was sticking up in an unruly way, boy he would hate to see that.

"Minho?..wake up!" I said shaking him. He wasn't waking up.

"Minho come on wake up!" I exclaimed with tears threatening to spill over In my eyes. I had one more thing to try unsure if it would work. 

"Minho..wake..up!" I said slapping him in-between each word.

"Wh-what happened?" Minho said waking up after a few minutes. 'oh thank god' I thought to myself.

"Hehe, you died." I said out loud wiping a tear I hadn't known had fallen.

"Well, then I must be in hell." He said sitting up and looking at me.

"Ha ha very funny." I said. I threw my arms around him and hugged him. He hugged me back. 

"Miss me?" He asked with a smirk as we pulled away. 

"Heh in your dreams hair gel." I said laughing.

"Wait! What happened to my hair!? Does it still look good!?" He asked panicked. 

"Naw you still look like shit." I said with a chuckle.

"Oh shove off." He said with a light punch on my shoulder and a laugh. I laughed too. 

"Alright, we should keep going." I said.

"But where are we?" Asked frypan.

"Not sure exactly." I said slowly. I pulled out my flashlight and clicked it on, the others followed. 

When I turned on the light cranks sprang out on us.

"AHH!" I yelled and jumped back. 

"Don't worry, they're chained up, they're our guard dogs." A voice said. The voice sounded feminine. I turned to point my flashlight twords where the voice come from. When I turned and looked over that's when I saw her. It was a girl around our age,16-17, she had short cropped black hair and pretty dark brown eyes. She was wearing a shirt with some kind of jacket and long pants.

"Damn, this chicks hot." Minho whispered to me.

"I know right." I whispered back.

"I'm still right here ya know." Newt said.

"Don't worry Blondie you're still my favorite." I said looking at him with a smile.

"I better be." He said jokingly. "Anyways, she may be hot but you're hotter." He whispered in my ear. I smirked. 

"Who are you?" I asked the girl. 

"Better question, who are you." She said.

"I'm Jane." I said.

"Im Brenda." She responded. "Follow me, don't mind them." She continued as she turned and motioned for us to follow. Avoiding the cranks we followed Brenda further into the building. We followed her up these stairs and into this room. This room had lights and couches. On these couches were these big beefy guys who stood up when we entered. A bit further into this room was a spinny chair. This spinny chair turned to reveal a man sitting on it. When he turned and saw us he stood up. 

"I have 3 questions for you amigos, 1, where did you come from? 2, how can I benefit? And 3,what can I benefit from?" He asked us.

"Uh 1, why Should we tell you? 2, not sure, and 3, also not sure." I responded. 

"Hehhe feisty, I like this one." He said turning to Brenda who just nodded with a smirk. "Anyways, if you don't tell me where you're from then I don't think I can help you, and Im a type of guy who likes to benefit from things, so if I can't help you and i cant benefit you then you should leave." 

"We are looking for people in the mountains, I heard they were called the right arm I believe?" I said.

"...the right arm?.."asked the man. 

"Yesss...." I said slowly.

"Hahahah, they won't be able to help you, anyone who has ever gone looking for them has never came back alive." He laughed. 

"Well, those people were probably weak." I said with a shrug. I heard Minho Snicker. 

The man just stared at us squinting his eyes for a minute. His eyes widened slightly and he gave a look to one of the big beefy guys. One of the guys nodded and came and grabbed me and held me still. 

"Hey let me go!" I yelled thrashing. The man walked up to me with some kind of thing that looked like a gun and a scanner all in one. 

"Hold up hermana." He said and scanned the back of my neck. "I knew it.." he whispered.

I hated being held back so I kicked my leg out and kicked the man where the sun don't shine. He toppled over with a groan.

"Jorge!" Brenda exclaimed and ran over to help him up. So that's what his name was.

Jorge just gave a nod to the men. They grabbed my friends and put a cloth over their noses. 

"Wait what-" I started but got cut off with a cloth being placed over my own face. I struggled a little bit until everything went dark.

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now