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Everything had started to explode. Acting on instinct I shoved brenda and myself into a little elevator box and curled into a little ball. It wasn't until the rubble and noise all stopped that I uncurled and opened my eyes. 

"Well shit." I said coughing due to the dust.

"Yeh..looks like we're trapped." Brenda said also coughing. 

"Wh-what about the others!?" I asked panicked.

"The others are with Jorge they'll be fine." Brenda said. "Now follow me." 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To get out of here duh." Brenda said. I shrugged and followed. 

"So what is our plan right now?" I asked as we walked down a tunnel away from the rubble.

"Well, first we gotta get out of here." Brenda started.

"Okay but what about the others?" I asked. 

"If you'll let me finish." She said. "Second, we find the others." 

"How will we know where they are?" I asked. 

"I know where Jorge is going, we talked about it before we found y'all trying to escape us." She continued. "So he's most likely taking the others to find Marcus so we can find the right arm." 

"Mhmm, soooo, we are just gonna wonder around the tunnels hoping we find a way out?" I asked.

"No..I know a way out of here." She said. 

We walked for a bit with our flashlights when all of a sudden I heard something. 

"Did you hear that?" I whispered to Brenda. 

"Hear what?" She whispered back.

"Shh." I said. 

I heard it again. A loud scream that sounded unhuman. 

"I heard it.." she said. 

"It sounds far enough away but we should keep going." I said. 

"Agreed, let's go." She said leading the way.

We walked for a while longer until we heard that sound again this time closer, like it was all around us. I shone my flashlight behind us.

"B-brenda.." I said hitting her on her shoulder. 

"Mhm, I know. We just need to keep calm and keep going." She whispered with a slight shake in her voice.

I turned back around and continued to walk. 

The noises kept getting louder, and louder and louder. Untill I heard something else, almost like someone was crawling behind us. I quickly swiveled my flashlight around behind me and that's when I saw it. Less than 10 feet away was a crank, but this one was much skinnier mostly skin and bones, with eye sockets without any eyes, just black emptiness. 

"Cranks." Me and Brenda said at the same time.

"Run!" I said as they started to crawl twords us really fast. 

We ran the opposite direction of the cranks and eventually got out of the tunnel. When we got out of the tunnel we climbed up this pile of rubble. We climbed and climbed as fast as we could and as we climbed and ran more cranks came out of their hiding. When we got to the top of the pile we ran down a hall. As we were running Brenda slipped and fell into a room. Well it was more like half of the building had snapped in half and the floor and walls were the windows. 

"Brenda!" I yelled. The cranks had given up chasing us and we're down below trying to eat each other. 

"Brenda! Hold on I'm coming." I yelled. 

"No..don't .. I'll come to you." She said. 

"Okay, be careful." I said.

Brenda got on to all fours slowly and had just started to try and crawl twords me.

"Almost there I got you." I said sticking my hand out. Brenda was almost there when she slipped and fell all the way back down. 

"Eugh!" She yelled as her back slammed against the glass.

"BRENDA!" I yelled. 

"I'm okay." She groaned. 

"Stay there I'm coming to get you." I said. 

"No! No..stay there the glass is cracking!" She yelled. 

"Well what do we do now!" I yelled panicked.

"Maybe we stop yelling!" She said. 

"Maybe a good idea." I said still yelling. There was a second of silence. 

"Haha I don't even know why we were yelling so much." I said laughing lightly.

"Yeh me either-" Brenda started but got cut off by the glass cracking even more. She gasped. 

"Shit! Hold on!" I said. 

"No don't!" She yelled.

"Brenda, I'm going to kindly have to ask you to shut the fuck up, mmk." I said with a sarcastic smirk and looked around to figure out how to help her. 

"I think we're about to do something stupid." I said whilst looking at Brenda with a determined look on my face.

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now