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"Damnit!" I exclaimed as we ran down the side of the mountain. We ran all the way down to where Vincent and Mary were. 

"What do we do?" I asked as the helicopters started to land. 

"Grab all the guns and weapons we can find, hide, don't die." Vincent said running to get weapons with Mary following close behind. 

"Well that was super helpful." I said with sarcasm. 

"Well what now?" Minho asked. 

"Follow Vincent, get weapons, stay hidden and don't die." I said as if it were obvious. 

"Got it." Newt said and we all ran to follow Vincent.

We had grabbed some guns and launchers and followed Vincent to this truck where he set up this machine gun in the back and me and newt were stationed at the sides with our launchers and guns. Minho had went to help Aris, Frypan and Mary. 

"Just surrender and no one will be hurt!" I heard Ratman yell from the helicopter. No one surrendered. "Then you leave us no choice!" After he said that the first shot rang out and that ment war. There were gunshots everywhere. At some point one came so close to me I could feel heat radiating off of it. Soldiers from Wicked dropped out of the multiple helicopters and started shooting everywhere. The screams I heard were crazy. Me and Newt shot any soldier who came close to us, Vincent did the same. At one point I heard someone yell that the medical tent had gone up in flames. It took a hot second to realize it but I forgot that Brenda was still in there. 

"Jane! Where are you going?" Newt yelled as I ran twords the tent. I didnt respond instead I kept running. Whoever yelled was right. It had gone up in flames. As i ran closer I heard Jorge.

"Jane! Jane what are you doing?" He yelled as I ran into the flames to find Brenda. 

"BRENDA!" I yelled out. I saw some of the vials that had my blood. The cure.

"JANE!" I heard Brenda yell. I turned and looked and she had already made it out of the tent. I lunged to grab some of the vials but only managed to grab one before someone pulled me out of the flames. 

"Let go!" I yelled not looking at who it was. 

"Jane stop, it's me," the person said. I recognized the voice as Minho. I calmed down once I realized it wasn't one of the guards from Wicked. 

"What were you thinking?" Minho scolded. "Running into the flames like that, you could have died!" 

"I was trying to save Brenda!" I yelled at him. 

"Be careful next time!" He yelled again.

"Okay." I said. 

"Good now go and hide and don't die." He said running off with Jorge to help Newt and the others. 

"Alright let's go-" I started but before I could finish something exploded not even 3 feet away from me and Brenda and threw us backwards behind a rock. 

"Brenda are you okay?" I asked coughing due to all the smoke. 

"Yeh I'm okay." She said coughing too. 

"We need to figure out a way out of here." I said. Just after I said that Jorge came around with Bertha. 

"Get in we need to go!" He yelled. 

"No!" I yelled back standing up. 

"What are you crazy?" Brenda yelled. 

"I can't leave without everyone else!" I said. They just nodded.

"I'll see you later then." Brenda said to me. 

"Yep, later." I said. 

"Wait take this with you!" Jorge yelled throwing me the bomb and the button to set it off. "In case you need it." 

"Thank you!" I said putting it in my jacket pocket. The war waged on and multiple of the soldiers died. Eventually the gunshots came to an end when everyone but me had been captured. Brenda and Jorge had gotten out of there but I was still hiding behind the rock watching everything. I heard them calling out the tags of which we had. I stayed behind the rock and listened. 

"A5 the glue." 

"A7 The leader." 

"A8 the sidekick." They said when they got to frypan.

"She not here."I heard someone say to-whom I just noticed- Ava Paige. 

"Jane come out! We know you are here!" She yelled. I saw her nod to Ratman who grabbed Minho and held a gun near her head. 

"If you don't come out we will have no choice!" Ratman yelled. 

"Jane don't do it!" Minho yelled. I couldn't just stand there and let my best friend die. I stood up from where I was hiding and started to walk twords them they had everyone lined up on their knees except for Minho who was being held at gun point by Ratman. A soldier grabbed me and put my hands behind my back and pushed me down Next to Frypan. I heard the beep of the scanner and then the soldiers voice. 

"A13 the visioner." He said.

"Ah, hello Jane." Ava Paige said with a smile.

"Don't you hello Jane me." I said angrily.

"I know your probably mad at us but we are doing this for a good cause. We have most of the cure but we need you to help finish it. We want to help everyone." She said. 

"Yeh okay, because that's believable." I said my voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"You should believe us, especially if you want to save certain people." She said. I knew exactly who she was talking about, what she was trying to do. It won't work like that. 

"Well if you don't want to cooperate then we will have to do this the hard way, you've left us no choice." She said giving Janson a look. He nodded. Taking the gun he had held against Minhos head, he pulled the trigger.

The Scorch (a sequel to The Maze)Where stories live. Discover now